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THE HEAT WAS almost unbearable. The sun's burning hot rays of light shone onto the backs of the thirteen year olds. Another day in the apocalypse meant another day of foraging for food to survive and for scraps to make a roof over their heads.

It had been at least 6 months in the apocalypse. Quincey had cut her hair to just above her shoulders due to its former long length and the heat it provided on the back of her neck. She had gotten used to the apocalyptic life. It was still a struggle but it was her everyday and at least she had her best friend to help her.

Quincey still remembered the first day in the apocalypse;

Quincey and Five had instantly clicked. It was that kind a friendship you knew would last a long time.

It was around midday when the two decided to find a place to stay. And after wandering around the broken city they decided on the library.

The once tall and towering building was in pieces. And the books that once filled the many shelves were scattered amongst the rubble. "We can make it work" Five said more as a statement to himself than to the girl beside him, but she nodded along anyways.

Quincey had found many books that she would enjoy and piled them up into her arms. She had eventually made several piles of books she would read.

"Hey Quince! Come over here" Five yelled from the other side of the library. The girl walked over to see him staring intently at the book in his hands. He lifted the book to show her the cover "that's my sister Vanya. And look at this" The boy flipped to the front page. The words read 'in memory of Five and Ben' "I need to read this book. To find out what happened to my family"

Once Quincey looked the boy in the eyes, she saw tears brimming them. She immediately wrapped her arms around his waist. Engulfing him in a comforting hug. He took no time to wrap his arms around her. She was definitely shorter than him, so he was left to rest his head atop hers.

"Where do we go now?" The girl questioned, still wrapped in the boys arms.

"We try and stop this apocalypse from ever happening. But for once in my life. I don't know how"

I thought I would write another flashback chapter simply because I enjoyed writing the last one. Anyways have a great day/night! I love you!

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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