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THE TWO TEENS were now away from griddy's donuts and were walking down the sidewalk together. "Look what I found" Quincey said to five and pulled the walkie talkie out of her pocket "that's perfect!" Five exclaimed to Quince and enveloped her in a tight hug "why? Who do you need to find at the moment?" Quincey questioned.

"Vanya. I need to know where her apartment is" Five told the girl "okay, can you help me make a blindfold?" Quincey asked Five, he nodded and helped her rip the end of her skirt. The two sat down across from each other on the sidewalk, Five got the walkie talkie to make a static noise and Quincey tied the long strip of her skirt around her eyes.

"Here's Vanya's book" five handed Quincey Vanya's book, that he used to work on the equation to get back.

Quincey entered the void

The black space surrounded her and a thin layer of water was at her feet. Quincey looked around her for any sign of Vanya. In a short distance she sees Vanya walking with her head down, in the other direction she sees and apartment building. Quincey walks closer to the apartments building, once she gets closer she sees an address "got it" the girl says. Everything around her began to turn to smoke, slowly contorting back to reality.

Quincey pulls the makeshift blindfold off her face "I got an address" Five stood up and turned the walkie talkie off, he then offered a hand to the girl sitting below him. The two set out for the apartment that Quincey saw.


They made it to the outside of the apartment building. Five swiftly grabbed Quincey's hand and jumped them into the apartment, Five has done this to Quincey so many times that she doesn't even get affected by the spinning sensation anymore.

"Here sit down" Five helped Quince onto the couch in the lounge room, he knows she must be feeling drained from using her power and then running to the apartment. "Thanks Fi, y'know we're probably going to scare the shit out of your sister" Quincey smiles at her best friend. Five just nodded and sits on the chair opposite Quincey and they wait for Vanya.


After sitting there for around two minutes, the boy and girl hear a set of keys jiggle and the lock in the door click. Vanya walks through and reached for the light switch, but five beat her to it, he turned the lamp on beside him.

Vanya jumped in fright "Jesus!"
"told ya we'd scare her" Quincey said smugly to Five. "Whatever, you should have locks on your windows" Five directed his attention back to Vanya. "I live on the second floor" Vanya said "rapists can climb" Five retorted "you are so weird".

Vanya sat on the other side of the couch that Quincey was sitting on. "Is that blood" Vanya said, noticing the blood smeared on the collar of his shirt. Five unconsciously looked to the wound on his arm and said "it's nothing"

"Why are you two here?" Vanya asked the teens sitting in her living room, five sighed before answering "we've decided you're the only one we can trust" five told his sister "why me?"
"Because you're ordinary"
"Because you'll listen"
Vanya muttered an okay before running off to the bathroom and coming back with first aid supplies. Vanya begins to fix the teens wounds.

"When I jumped forwards and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" Five asked his sister "no"
"Nothing" Five said, causing Quincey to clear her throat "almost absolutely nothing" five corrected himself. "As far as I could tell I was the last person left alive, that was until I found Quincey" Five locked eyes with the latter, they smiled at each other quickly before he continued "I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else, the date it happens"

"The world ends in eight days" Quincey finally spoke up "and we have no idea how to stop it" she told Vanya. "Hang on, but if you survived, wouldn't you know what caused it?" Vanya turned to face Quincey "all I remember is lights and fire, that's not much to go off" Quince told Vanya honestly. Vanya was quiet for a few seconds

"I'll put on a pot of coffee"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoyed seeing more of Quincey's powers. I really don't know how to explain the void, so the only thing I can do is recommend you watch stranger things, if you haven't already.

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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