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FIVE AND QUINCEY sit together in a comfortable silence, slipping their coffee. The sound of silence was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

The two "teens" look into the bell sitting on the counter, the distorted reflection showed a group of men walking into the cafe, all dressed in black.

Of course Five and Quincey knew who these people were, they also knew why they were here. Two of the men at the front of the group pointed their guns at Five and Quincey's heads.

"That was fast" five hummed "I thought we'd have more time before they found us" he finished, still facing forwards. "Okay, so let's all be professional about this, yeah?" One of the men spoke "on your feet they want to talk" he said in a low raspy voice.

"We've got nothing to say" Quincey said to them, taking a sip of her coffee and not even bothering to look at them. "It doesn't have to go this way. You think I want to shoot a couple kids? Go home with that on my conscious?" The same man spoke.

"Well I wouldn't worry about that" Five and Quincey made eye contact, mentally agreeing on the same thing. "You won't be going home" Five said, finally looking at the man. Five slowly reached for the butter knife infront of him, grabbing the knife five spacial jumped behind the two men pointing who were pointing guns at their heads.

He stabbed one and then the other, bullets flying everywhere. Quincey took this opportunity to snap one of their necks, with her mind. He fell straight to the floor, body limp. Five spacial jumped to the top of a table "hey assholes!" He called out to them before jumping away before he could get shot.

While the men were shooting the space five had just been, five grabbed Quincey's hand and jumped them both outside. Quincey knocked on the glass door, stepped back and took Fives hand again. The man closest to the door turned around and aimed the gun at them. Giving a quick salute, they jumped again.

Quincey used her powers to make something lying on the ground next to the man at the door, fly into the side of his body, he too fell limp to the ground. Five used his own tie to strangle one of them, while Quincey made a knife fly into another's eye. Quincey threw one backwards with her powers. Two who had been on the floor had gotten up and ran straight to shoot Five and Quincey. Five jumped the two of them again, causing the men to shoot each other.

Now panting and out of breath, five took his tie back and tied it around his neck once again. Quince noticed one of the men to still be alive, she quickly snapped his neck and made her way over to five. "We need to get the tracking chips out" Quincey grabbed a knife and brought it over to five, they both rolled up their sleeves. Five took the knife and made a deep slit down his right forearm, then handed the knife to Quince for her to do the same.

"Hey let me do it" Quincey said to five, referring to him about to stick his fingers into his new wound. Quincey concentrated on their arms, slowly the chips from inside started to move around and shot out, like a bullet out of a gun. The tacking chips fell next to their arms.

"I am still amazed at what you can do" Five said as they rolled down their sleeves "Thanks" Quincey smiled to him. Just before they were about to leave, Quincey's eyes landed on a walkie talkie attached to one of the commission people's belts. She bent down and grabbed the walkie talkie and put it in her pocket, before following five out.

Five dropped both of the chips in a puddle of water outside.

I'm not very good at writing these types of chapters, so sorry if it was a shitty chapter, I'll try and make the next one better.

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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