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KLAUS AND QUINCEY fill their arms up with every possible junk food they could find. Quincey looks from her left to her right, making sure they won't get caught. "Run" Quincey whispers to Klaus and they sprint out of the mini mart.

"Whoo!" Klaus shouts as they run out the door. Quince looks behind her to see a police officer, her eyes widen and she runs faster. "Hey, stop right now!"

"Run faster, Klaus" Quincey says in between her laughs and giggles. The cop blows his whistle at them.

"Hey bitches!" Klaus yells at Luther and Five as they run past and Quincey waves. Most of the items in her arms now following behind her, and she's making sure to pick up any items klaus dropped with her powers.

"Get back here!" The cop yells. Klaus and Quince run into a taxi "out of the way, asshole!"


After stealing from the mini mart, Quincey and Klaus go back to the academy and flop onto on of the couches. "Okay, what did you get?" Quincey asks Klaus.

"Uh some chips, some candy and some chocolate" Klaus reply's, throwing the food at her, after he says each item. "Same" She says and opens a packet of skittles.

"Oh, so you're a skittles person, I'm more of an m&m's guy, myself" Klaus says, opening a packet of chips.

"Taste the rainbow" Quincey laughs as she throws a skittle in the air and tries to get it in her mouth. With the help of her powers it goes in.

After a few minutes of snacking and conversing, Luther walks into the lounge room with the rest of the siblings (minus Five)

"What are you doing here?" Luther asks, pointing at Quincey "I hanging out with my new best friend, just don't tell Five I said that" Quincey reply's

"Whatever" Luther said and led everyone over to a small tv on the bar, Allison slotted in the VHS tape and everyone watched.

After replaying it a few times "I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?" Vanya asks "you haven't been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don't know Grace anymore" Luther reply's.

"You haven't been home in a long time either, Mr. I-lived-on-the-moon-for-4-years" Quincey reminded him "you're not even apart of this family, you don't even live here" Luther shot at her "so? I don't need to live here to know that"

"If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroners report" Diego interrupted "well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes"

"Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision" Diego replays the video "look closer. Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up. Monocles gone."

"Oh yeah!" Klaus says

"She wasn't poisoning him. She was taking it, to clean it." Diego explains "then where is it? No, I've searched the house, including all her things. She doesn't have it"

"Not creepy at all" Quincey mutters sarcastically under her breath.

"That's because I took it from her. After the funeral" Diego says, holding his knife in the air. "You've had the monocle this whole time? What the hell Diego?" Allison exclaims

"Give it to me" Luther holds his hand out "I threw it away" Diego says calmly "you what?"

"Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you'd lose your shit, just like you're doing right now"
"Diego, you son of a bitch"
Diego holds his hands up to fight Luther.

"Hey. No. Calm down. Look i know that dad wasn't exactly an open book. But I do remember one thing he said. Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker, but...also a protector." Vanya calmed them down

"What does that mean?" Allison asked "she was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in jeopardy" Vanya explains. "Well, if her hardware is degrading, then...we need to turn her off"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait. She's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet. She feels things, I've seen it!" Diego yells at Luther "she just stood there, Diego, and watched our father die" Luther points at the small tv.

"I'm with Luther" Allison says "surprise, surprise" Diego reply's to her statement "shut up"

Everyone looks to Vanya and she stumbles over her words "yeah, she shouldn't get a vote" Diego goes to move on to the next person but Vanya says "I was going to say I agree with you"
"Okay, she should get a vote. What about you stoner boy? What do you got?"

"Oh, so, what? You need my help now? 'Get out of the van Klaus and Quincey!' 'Well welcome back to the van!'" Klaus mimics "What van?" Allison asked, confused

"What's it gonna be, Klaus?" Luther scoffs "I'm with Diego, because screw you! And if Ben were here, he'd agree with me" Klaus then hisses to the side of him.

"So that's three to two" Diego mentions "votes not final yet" Allison says
"Fives not here. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that"

"Fives not coming!" Quincey tells them "why should we trust you?" Luther walks up to her, a bit to close for her comfort. "First of all, you're way to close to me" Quincey pushes him backwards with her powers and everyone gapes at her "and second, you don't even know what Five is doing. I do. And I know that he won't be back here for a while" Quincey says

Quincey turns to walk away, she gets to the doorway before turning back around and saying "oh and Five has a lot of other stuff on his mind, but if he were to vote. He would go with Diego. If Grace's hardware is degrading, she can be fixed, there's no need for her to be turned off" Quincey continues to walk away.

"Everyone is going to die in the next 6 days anyways, she could be useful in that time" she mutters once she's out of ears reach.

And Quincey walks back to the pluming van outside meritech.

Edited? Nope sorry

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night :)

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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