Mixed Style Anthem

21 12 5

All you who don't want to be tiles,
stand up with your covid-masked smiles,
and build the MahJong  wall,
East, North, West, South an all;
show these gin rummy whiteys
they've no ivory in their nighties;

for China has been brought to her knees;
luckily we built islands in the South China  Seas,
so now we will do as we please:-

Hong Kong shall Pung;
Taiwan shall Kong;
and get it on;
and bang a gong;
for Winnie the Pooh
is doing the do.

And as for Islam,
we process it face-palm,
a million ground small -
and for Nepal,
your kid plugs a wall.

Tiggers Tiggers,
bounce and bounce;
and yer Roo don't weigh an ounce -
Africa we don't much care for you:
that's so true - we're such eugenic fellers.

India don't fuck and shout,
cos our borders we care about.
Yes, we're ready to take on all, it's true.

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