HEE - Haw 1984

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HEE* the Tories' donkey,
kicked good doctor Day in face,
when alone in ICU he
blew the whistle on that disgrace;
Chris, a man of noble decision
lives of patients in his vision.

That HEE donkey ate his number
lack of number means he's stuck
never will advance his career
due to donkey HEE 
who doesn't give a flying fuck
about patients, you and me,
just layed back an ear:

"Sonny, its a bummer
but you see,
we're just a gate keeper / hate keeper
we're not your employer
you're not a protected whistleblower
Chris, though so you thought,
(from your employer maybe)
- got you caught
in our nasty little loophole
pulled the loop tight
and now we can kick the shite
out of your lifetime opportunities
Its what the Tories want -
the courts say so
they hint and we bunt
don't have a soul.

Life's a dirty game:
gatekeeper's are beyond blame;
its all beyond your control
HEE- haw! HEE- haw!
You've heard the future thunder
gatekeepers eat your number -
go on, chunder."


*Health Education England

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