Now listen up and pay attention, since you are going to be treated to great art in the wonderfully intense and aphoristic form of - 'Two Lines, That's a Poem!' otherwise known somewhat loosely (and some dare to contend, incorrectly) as Hoik-you! (But, look. I can't call it 'Snake Oil', now, can I?)
Now, I know this is going to be for most a case of pearls before swine, since you are a bunch of wastrels, pubbing and clubbing, and writing writhing cartilagenous and steamy treacle pudding-like verse all about your desires for men vastly inferior in all ways to me, but I shall astound you with my greatness, naked on the catwalk in my new clothes, accompanied on my electronic kazoo for a truly multimedia experience.
This shall redeem you all from the 'idden shadows of my Id and restore you to the nature of golden Ego facets illuminated by the light from my tall and shapely tower. Here we go.
(Kazoo: - Da da da diddle diddle dahhhhhhhh da.)
Sick chick-lits tick. Slick, sad cock tocks, sir.
Dreadful sorry, Poxy Fox, sir..............................
PoesíaHot, Sweet, Saucy, Spicy - always filling/fattening. Donder - vb. To blunder about aimlessly, not knowing what the feck one is at.