3:McWife comforts Meredith

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*Addison's POV*
A week later...
  The week has gone by pretty fast. I kept to monitor the twins with heart complications and one of them had a tumor in their heart. Meredith has been in my service all week. We headed to the patients room and Dr.Grey started taking the her vitals.

"I don't want Dr.Grey in my case any more." The patient said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well... she slept with your husband which reminds me of someone." The patient said. I could see Meredith's eyes start to water but she blinked the tears back in.

"Well. I slept with my husband's best friend. So I was the one who cheated first so I think you own Dr.Grey an apology." I said.

"I'm sorry, Dr.Grey." The patient said sincerely.

"It's ok." Meredith said.

  After me and Meredith went to our next patient.

"Dr.Grey please present." I said.

"Molly Thomas-Grey. Thirty-six weeks pregnant, but her baby has been diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Meaning that the baby's heart doesn't doesn't pump enough blood." Meredith said explaining to Molly. The patient's mom was eyeing Meredith with curiosity.

"Thanks Dr.Grey." I said smiling to her and she smiled back.

  Meredith did Molly's vitals and updated the chart and turned away to go outside but she bumped into an older man.

"Oh! I'm so sor- Meredith?" The older man said.

"Thatcher." Meredith said coldly with an angry expression.

"I didn't know you worked here." He said.

"Well, if you stayed maybe you would've known." She said and her eyes started to water. She ran to a supply closet and I ran after her.

"Meredith...?" I asked peeking inside.

"Addison... I'm so,so sorry!" Meredith said crying.

"It's ok. Who was that?" I asked a bit concerned from her state.

"That was my father. He left when I was five years old and he didn't bother to take me with him. That same night I watched my mom slice her wrist open in front of me." Meredith said sobbing.

  I went to hug her and we sat down. She put her head on my shoulder and hugged my stomach and I hugged her shoulders. We stayed like that until she calmed down. I looked down and saw that she was tired from all the crying and couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Come Meredith. You are tired and we don't have anything to do. Let's go to sleep, we're both tired." I said and she nodded.

  I took her to an on-call room and she went to sleep as soon as she laid down. I went to sleep in the bed in front of her. I was woken up by someone hyperventilating in the room. I stud up and turned on the lights and saw it was Meredith. I ran to her and shock her softly and she woke up, but she still couldn't breathe.

"Meredith! Look at me." I said and she looked she looked at me in the eyes. "Breathe with me. In. Out. In and out." I said.

"Thanks, Addison." She said once she calmed down.

"I just had a nightmare, but I'm ok now." She said.

  I wasn't convinced, but I let it go and went back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard Meredith whimpering so I stud up and turned in the lights and sat on the bed. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up for a second so I could lay down next to her and she cuddled into me and I rubbed her back. I could smell her lavender scent and for some reason I felt relaxed and a few minutes later she felt asleep. I got up but she grabbed my shirt pulling me back to the bed so I went back and I'm not exactly sure why.

"Addison. Please stay, I'm scared and I'm not sure why." Meredith said putting her head on the crook of my neck. I've never heard Meredith say that.

"It's ok, Meredith. I'm here and I'm not leaving." I said softly wrapped her in my embrace.

("Addison,what are you doing?" A part of my brain asked.)

("I don't know. I think working with her this week has made me to like her and enjoy her company." The other part of my brain said.")


("Yeah. I think I might have a crush on her.)

  A few minutes later I found my eyes getting heavy so I close them. I was to tired to fight it.

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