7: I'm staying

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*Meredith's POV*
  I was leaning on the nurses station charting and all of the sudden I feel a pair of hands on my hips and the scent of brown sugar and vanilla hit my nose.

"Hi, Addie!" I said smiling.

"How you know it's me?" Addison asked giggling.

"Your scent. I could recognize it anywhere." I said turning around and then Addie kissed me.

"Addie! We're in public."I said smiling.

"So, I want to show off my gorgeous girlfriend. Plus, I got some news to tell you."  Addie said smiling ear to ear. From her smile I could tell it was something good.

"I'm listening." I said softly.

"So, you know I came here for a case, right she asked and I nodded. "Richard gave me an offer to work here permanently and... I took it." She said smiling.

"Really?!" I said surprised.

"Yes, Mere!" She said laughing and we kissed again.

"I love how we are making someone jealous." I said with a smirk.

"Who?" She asked with her confused face. I swear she looks adorable when she does that.

"Mark." I replied.

"Oh, well...that's fun. Plus, Molly's C- section is today and the surgery is in 3 three hours. So, how about we get something to eat and maybe we can...cuddle?" She said raising an eyebrow at them end.

"I'd love that. What you want to eat!" I asked her smiling.

"Well... how about pizza?" She asked excitedly.

"Perfect! I love pizza." I said and we walked to the cafeteria with our fingers intertwined.

"You ready for dinner tonight, Mere?" Addie asked me a little nervous.

"I'm more than ready, Addie," I said and Addie let out a sigh of relief. Then we walked into the lunch line.

*Izzie's POV*
I was sitting in the cafeteria with Cristina, George, and Alex. All of the sudden I saw Meredith and McBitch holding hands.

"Cristina. Why is McBitch and Meredith holding hands?" I asked.

"If I were you I wouldn't call her 'McBitch'." Cristina said. I was confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"Remember that morning when Mer told us that there wasn't a guy and it was a she?" Cristina asked and we all nodded. "Well... Addison is her. Mer and Addison have been together for about a week."

"What?!" George shouted which caught Meredith's attention.

"Yep. So, I suggest to be nicer to Addison or Mer will probably beat the crap out of you." Cristina said laughing.

*Addison's POV*
  Me and Mere were going to go and sit in an empty table until I hear Cristina yell.

"Addison! Mer! Come sit with us." She yelled. I looked at Mere and she looked at me.

"Honey, you sure you want to go? Because if you don't thats totally fine." She said smiling.

"I'm sure, Mere. But we're not staying long cuz you said we could cuddle before surgery." I said smiling wider than Mere and she laughed.

"I promise! Now let's go." She said as we started walking towards them.

"Sit." Izzie Stevens said very politely which felt weird. "So, I heard that you two are a couple." She said. Mere and I turned into tomatoes.

"Izzie!" Cristina yelled at her.

"No, it's fine. Yes, Addison and I are together." Mere said smiling while putting her arm around me.

  About 10 minutes later me and Mere finished eating and talking. We entered an on-call room and we cuddled for a while. All of the sudden Mere speaks up.

"Sit up." She said softly.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I'm bored so, I'm going to braid your hair into two french braids." She said smiling wide.

"Ooo! Thanks,baby." I said kissing her cheek.

  I sat there while Mere braided my hair. As I sat there I told her all the things that I loved about her. Like her eyes, her smile, her hips, her beautiful blonde hair, and how her laugh is like music to my ears. When she finished braiding my hair she pulled me into her so I was between her legs and my head was on her chest. She had her arms around my stomach and we sat like that for a while. We got tired of being in there so we went to check on Molly and we walked to her room with our fingers intertwined. We went inside and both of Molly's parents were there. Mere squeezed my hand like if she was scared or something.

"Hi, Molly! We just wanted to check in before surgery." Mere said with a small smile.

"I'm good, just a little nervous." Molly said.

"Don't worry. Dr. Montgomery is the best there is. So, there's nothing to worry about." Mere said and I smiled.

"Are you two together? I mean you're holding hands." Molly's mom asked. "You know...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I looked at Mere and she nodded.

"No, it's fine. Yes, we're together." I said smiling and so was Mere, Molly, and her mom.

  We went to the nurses station, which was in front of Molly's room, and Mere put her head on her hands.

"Mere, baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's my dad. When I saw him I got a flashback of the nightmare. In the nightmare I was drowning. Sorry I didn't tell you." She said with a tear down her left cheek.

"It's ok, Mere." I said hugging her and rubbing her back. "It's ok. I'm here" I said softly. I was usually the fucked up one since I was a kid, but I tried not to show any fear or anything. "Do you want to get a snicker bar from the vending machine." I asked and she nodded 'yes' and I pecked her in the lips and we left.

  Before we left, I saw that Molly and her mom had an "aww" look. I mean I know we are the cutest couple so like...










Thanks to outlawqueenpercabeth for the stars/votes. Also a big thanks to the amazing Bobbiejelly for supporting me and for the shout out on "Love the way you lie". Also thanks for recommending my story😆🥰

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