16: Panic!

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*Meredith's POV*
I've been sitting here with Addie for the past 45 minutes. She woke up 10 minutes ago, but she went back to sleep. I was watching tv while holding her hand. Out of nowhere the monitors started going crazy and she started shaking. I turned my head and realized she was seizing so I quickly turned her into her side. A few seconds later it stopped and I paged Derek 911 with a blink of an eye. A while goes by and he comes running into the room.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know. She just started seizing out of nowhere." I said staring to panic.

"Ok. Ok, calm down. Let me take her to CT and I'll bring her right back."

"Ok." He came around the bed and started to push her out of the room.

I sat there waiting while bouncing my leg. She's healthy and she doesn't show any signs of a brain tumor or anything like that. Minutes later Derek comes back in the room with an apologetic smile and a scan.

"What happened? Is she alright?" I started to panic again. He held up the scan and points at the light grey spot.

"See that? That's an aneurism and it ruptured. She has a brain bleed and it's spreading fast. That's why she had a seizure and she's getting prepped for surgery now." By this point I had waterfalls coming down my eyes.

"Are you operating on her?"

"Yes." He answered simply.

"Ok. Please don't shave her head. Her hair is her favorite feature about her and it makes her feel fierce and unstoppable. Please, promise me?"

"I promise. Now I gotta go and save Addison."

"Please don't let her die." I said and he walked away.

As I waited seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like years l. I need to get distracted from the fact that my girlfriend might die today. I paced Cristina since I know that she is going to help me. I sit there waiting for a while and then Cristina shows up with some snacks and I look at her with tears still rolling down my cheek.

"I heard what happened." She pulled the one of the other chairs in the room and sat down next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder and started to cry harder.

"She can't die! She can't leave me." I sobbed.

"Meredith, she's going to be fine. And if she dies I'm going to kill her myself for leaving you." She said which made me chuckle I bit. I knew she was going to be able to help me.

"Ouch!" I hit the hand that I punched Mark with against the armrest.


"My hand." I brought my right hand up to my chest. It really hurts.

  Cristina grabbed my other hand and dragged me out of the room. She took me to the ortho winglet and took me to Callie. Callie took an x-ray if my hand and it turns out I sprained my wrist and that I have to wear a brace now. She put it one and she told me I have to wear it for 1-2 weeks. Cristina and I left and went back to Addie's room to wait for her to come back. If she comes back...










Thanks Bobbiejelly new_being and calzcnas for the  comments on the last chapter. Also for all the votes.

Also thanks for 1k reads!!

Here a cookie 🍪

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