9: The storm

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*Meredith's POV*
I woke up before Addie. I opened my eyes and looked down at my gorgeous and wonderful girlfriend. She still had her head on top of my chest, but her arm was wrapped around my middle and she even looks beautiful sleeping. Out of nowhere there was a thunder which woke Addie up. I got up and took a look out the window and realized that there is a storm going on.

"There's a storm going on." I said sleepily.

"Oh! Come back to bed. I'm cold." Addie said shivering a little under the covers.

"Hold up. I'm going to go get another blanket." I said and went to go get another blanket from the hall. "I'm back."

"Good." Addie said fighting the urge to close her eyes and with a sad tone.

I got in the bed and I put the other blanket on top of us. Addie cuddle back like she was earlier and as soon as she cuddle into she fell asleep. I have this urge to say 'I love you' to her, but I don't want to scare her away. I mean when I shouted at her while confessing my feelings she cried. I thought I could tell her after listening to the song 'I.F.L.Y' on my iPod before she left. A few minutes there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said a little loudly so they person could hear me.

"Hi, Mer!." I Izzie said and hen she looked at Addie. "I'm sorry. I'll come back later." She whispered.

"No. Tell me" I whispered back.

"Ok. The chief gave us the day off and Addison, too. I asked him since I saw you two sneaking up here like two teenagers." Izzie said smiling.

"Thanks, Iz. You're the best." I said smiling back.

"No problem. Well... I'll leave you and your sleeping beauty alone." She said and I shake my head giggling quietly.

"Bye." I said

"Bye." She said back and closing the door as she left.

I laid there with Addie in my arms while stroking her hair. About an hour goes by and it's about 6:30 and Addie wakes up. She looks up at me and I kiss her forehead. I explained that because of the storm going on outside we weren't working. We there for a couple of minutes until I got out of bed.

"Mere, where are you going?" Addie asked with a sad tone.

"Addie, honey, don't be sad. I'm just going to the living room to get my iPod and my earbuds so we can listen to music." I said kissing her forehead again.

"Oh, ok. Be quick because I don't want to be alone." She said softly. She sounded like she was about to cry.

"Ok." I said headed out.

  As I was going down the stairs I wondered why Addie was so sad of me leaving. I mean I'm not going to leave her. Once I got to the living room I went to the coffee table and grabbed my iPod and earbuds. I went up the stairs still wondering about Addie. As I entered my room I heard whimpers so I turned on the lights and what I saw broke my heart. Addie was cuddled up to a pillow hugging it tightly and crying with her eyes closed. I quick ran to her and I put my iPod and my earbuds on my nightstand and got into bed. I took away the pillow and Addie looked up at me and instantly cuddled up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her bringing her closer to me. I stared to rub her back whispering sweet loot le nothings into her ear. Once she calmed down a little I needed to know what was wrong with my Addie.

"Honey, what's wrong." I asked softly hoping she wouldn't cry again.

"You left for along time and I was along. I get sad and scared when you leave or when I'm alone because I spend all of my childhood alone. My dad was never home because he was either drinking or fucking his secretary. Sometimes when he was fucking his secretary he would make me wait outside his office. My mom was never home either and when she was home she would yell at me and tell me I was worthless and my dad did the same. That's why I got scared and cried when you shouted at me. My brother Archer used to comfort me throughout the years until he left for collage when I was in high school. I never cry in front of people because when I was very little my mom told me that crying was for weak people. That's why I'm so insecure and sensitive and it's ok if you don't want me because I'm all broken and weak." Addie said with tears down her cheeks and her voice breaking here and there. What she said completely shattered my heart. What type of person would do that to this wonder and amazing woman?

"Oh, honey! You aren't weak or broken. You are strong and it's ok to cry because when you finally let go it shows how long you've been strong for. It's ok to cry because you're human, Addie. You're worth more than gold and everything money can buy. You're one in a trillion, that's how important you are. You, Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery, are the best thing that has happened to me. Don't ever doubt that I'll leave you. You are way to special to me." I said softly and caressing her cheek.

"I love you, Meredith." She whispered looking into me eyes.

  She said it! Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery said she loves me. It-it totally blew off my little plan, but I don't care. She loved me!

"I love you, too, Addison." I said softly pecking her lips.

"Can we g-go down st-stairs to w-watch tv?" Addie asked sobbing.

"Yes, we can. But, first stand up so I can wrap you in a blanket cuz I don't want you watching a cold." I said standing up and grabbing the blanket I got earlier.

  I stud up and went over to Addie's side and she stud up. I wrapped her in the blanket and I hugged her tightly for a few seconds and then I let go. I look at her in the eyes and I dried off her tears with my thumb. We got out of the room and we started walking downstairs. When we got into the living room Izzie and George were there watching a movie, so I grabbed Addies's waist and we walked towards the couch. I sat at the end of the couch and Addie sat next to me putting her head on my lap. Izzie was on the other end of the couch and without a word she grabbed Addie's legs and laid them on her lap. I looked over to Izzie and mouthed a 'Thank you' to her. After a few hours of watching tv it was 11:30 and Addie and Izzie fell asleep on the couch.

"Izzie." I said softly shaking her shoulder.

"Meredith?" Izzie asked sleepily.

"Go to be. You fell asleep, Iz."

"Ok." She said gently laying Addie's legs on the couch and then she went upstairs.

"Addie, honey, lets go upstairs to bed." I said while running my fingers through her hair.

"Hmm. Ok." She said sleepily with her eyes half open and sitting up.

  We headed upstairs and we went into bed. Addie cuddled into me by putting her head on my chest with her hand between it. She laid her other hand under my shirt on top of my stomach and one of my arms was around her shoulders and the other one was around her waist. I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes and a few seconds later she was peacefully asleep again. I laid there running my fingers through her hair again until I feel asleep.











Omg this was 1,341 words. This is the longest chapter I've written.

Also I just started to watch PP so I don't know how Addison's parents are. So, just roll with it I guess
Thanks Bobbiejelly , outlawqueenpercabeth , and new_being for all the nice comments and the votes.

Go check out "Bubble" by Bobbiejelly I really recommend it if you love meradd. I'm not going to spoil anything so if you wanna know what happens go read it!!

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