4:Brown Sugar and Vanilla

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*Meredith's POV*
  I woke up cuddle up to someone and their arms around my waist. The scent of brown sugar and vanilla hit my nose and I started to recall the events from last night.


  Part of my brain was telling me this was wrong but the other part of my brain was telling me to stay. I chose to follow my heart, so I stayed cuddled up to Addison and I closed my eyes. A few moments later I heard a pager go off and Addison and I got up.

"It's Molly." Addison said half asleep.

"Ok! Let's go." I said rubbing her back. "Addison?"

"Yes, Meredith." She replied.

"Thanks for last night. I know you hate me so you didn't have to do that!" I said softly.

"Meredith, it's okay. I don't hate you, I like you. You are a good person." Addison said giving me a soft smile.

"Thanks. I like you too. To be honest you are pretty hard to hate." I said and we both laughed.

  After checking in Molly I went to the basement where Cristina, Alex, Izzie, George, and I hang out. We sat there eating apples and pretzels and drinks water. They were all talking about last night, but I was to deep in my own thoughts to hear them. I was thinking about Addison and how it felt having her arms around me. Some how I didn't hate her anymore and I caught myself time to time thinking about the red headed. I really enjoy her company and I'm not exactly sure but when I see her I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Meredith! Meredith!" Cristina screamed.

"Yes." I said getting out of my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just think I'm starting to have a crush on someone." I said smiling thinking if Addison.

"Who is he?"Izzie asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"This man. You must really like him because the last time you had that look on your face you were crushing on McDreamy." Cristina said and my pager went off.

"There is no he,ok. It's a she." I said dropping the bomb and left. I saw their jaws drop as I left.

  Addison paged me to OR 1 and she told me that the twins were coming. We delivered the babies and Addison went to operate on the baby with the tumor while I closed up. The nurses took the mom up while I scrubbed out. After scrubbing out I went to a vending machine and I saw Cristina.

"Hi Cristina." I said.

"Hi, Mer. Oh! Earlier I was going to ask you why you smell like brown sugar and vanilla." Cristina said.

"Oh... yeah. I had a nightmare and Addison comforted me. Cristina, I think I have a crush on her." I said nervously.

"Ooo! So she's the 'she' from earlier?" She asked.

"Yes." I said with a small smile.

"Why do you think you have a crush on her?" She asked.

"I don't know. I mean when I look at her I feel butterflies. When I look at her eyes I loose myself in them and I love that. I love the way she smiles and when I see her smiling it makes me happy. I just want to run my fingers through her red hair. When I woke up this morning in her arms I wanted to stay like that forever." I said smiling. Cristina laughed.

"Mer. I think you have feelings for Addison and you're falling hard." Cristina said smiling.

"I think so too." I said softly

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