Blurb #1

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Requested on Tumblr: U basically broke me with 'the choices we make' and u are one of the best writers, I don't know if Ur taking requests or not but could u do something fluffy where during quarantine Tom and the others play the readers songs out loud and they know the lyrics to all of her songs (she is also staying with them)... I guess it could part of the 'extra' universe because I loved that some much, LOVE YOU 💞


You're always the last one to wake up in the house.

In your defense, your label was based in LA and you were in London, time difference and such. And this week, you were preparing to release a new single so your nights mostly consist of video calls for promos, interviews and meetings.

Last night — midnight to be specific — said single dropped so you interacted with fans, thanked the people for their support and all that lovely jazz.

You're a busy woman basically and you had every right to sleep in.

None of the boys minded though. They always respected your sleep, even prepares you breakfa—brunch to start your day with a smile, though you didn't expect today to be slightly different.

Groggily, you reached for your phone on the bedside table to see that it was already 11:15 AM. With a proper stretch, you got out of bed, hair a mess as you sported Tom's hoodie and some sleep shorts. You've live with these boys for a while, you could care less about your appearance around them.

The moment you opened the door however, your ears immediately perked up at the strikingly familiar sound. It was when you reached the middle of the staircase when you could put a pin on what it was, given that all you heard was your own voice.

You arrived in the kitchen in the nick of time, eyes landing on four boys dancing to their hearts content, one boy in particular with more energy than the rest.

"What kind of fever dream is this," you mumbled to yourself, amused smile on your face as you watched them jam it out to none other than your latest released single.

"I know I'm hard but that's part of it, you could leave but you are still here," Harry started, dance moves whatever as he passed the wooden spoon to Harrison. "Nowhere to go but you could've gone, should have known I'm the one you really want," Haz continued, chucking the spoon back to Harry once he was done with his line.

"I'm selfish, I'm selfish, I'm selfish, when it comes to you," Tuwaine answered next as he gave Harry a bowl. What they were cooking? You had no idea, but the kitchen does smell great so you take that as a good sign.

You were purely surprised at the fact that they know the words so well already. They haven't heard this before. Well, Tom heard a snippet but that's about it. How long have they had this on repeat?

Speaking of said boy, your eyes then landed on him next, his grin all wide as he shuts his eyes to sell his emotions. "I can't help it, can't help it, crazy things that I do," Tom sang his heart out, arms up in the air as he sways his hips like the dork that he is.

That's when you couldn't hold it in, throwing your head back as you laughed with pure delight, the sound making Tom snap his eyes towards you but he didn't stop singing. He just danced his way towards you, holding the notes of the song pretty well as he does his go-to lasso move with a shit eating grin.

You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief, covering your face with both hands in feign embarrassment. When you peeked between your fingers, all you see is your boyfriend dancing around you in the goofiest—slightly seductive—way that he can, hips doing number 8's, ass right up at your view as your song came out of his lips like second nature.

"What is going on?" you asked with a laugh as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks due to Tom's little dance. You lowered your hands to look around at the boys for answers, who only shrugged with laughs of their own, Harrison recording the whole thing.

"Thomas!" you shrieked in surprise when he suddenly pulled you to him, spinning you around to the beat of the song.

Tom was absolutely proud because one, his girlfriend had just released a new banger and is just doing so well with her career. And second, well, the song is about him, it does boost his ego a tiny bit. And by tiny, he means through the roof.

"Like the song?" you asked with a giggle, arms now resting over his shoulder while his took home on your hips, both of you swaying side to side.

"Love it," Tom gushed, grin wider and brighter as he guides you to do a twirl before pulling you back close to him, arms now securely wrapped around your waist.

"Hmm, cause it's about you?" you teased, eyes narrowed as you looked at your man suspiciously.

"Of course, duh?" Tom scoffed playfully, earning a pointed eye-roll from you. He chuckled. "Kidding, it's such an amazing song darling, and you sound so fucking incredible oh my God, your voice. So proud of my superstar," he groaned, leaning closer to press his forehead against yours.

"I can't help it, can't help it; crazy things that I do. When I need you, I come back to you; I'm selfish, I'm selfish when it comes to you," you sing the last chorus to him. Tom face's glowed like the sun with a grin, heart melting at the seams as he lets out a low growl, almost like a purr at the sweet sound of your voice.

You bit your bottom lip with a giggle at his reaction, a clear indication that he loves this song way too much.

"Now, don't do that when you're here singing to me like an angel, sweetheart," he warned with a raise of a brow, tip of his nose nudging teasingly with yours, a certain gloss now covering his brown orbs.

"I do want thank you," you sassed, Tom shaking his head at you with a low chuckle. He was about to lean even closer as he wants nothing more than to give you a kiss, to take your bottom lip in his own teeth, but before any of you could even move a muscle you got interrupted.

"Oi! Not in front of my salad!" Harrison exclaimed. Tom jumped in his skin at the loud voice as he slowly turned his head to glare at his best friend, everyone erupting in pure laughter right after.

"I'll deal with you later," Tom whispered in your ear, sending you a suggestive wink and a squeeze on the waist before he lets you go to set the table for lunch.

You could only shake your head with a smile, Tom replaying the song again as the boys sang to it without problem.

It was a guarantee the there's chaos when living with these lads, but despite it, the fun and laughter always transcends it all. And you wouldn't spend your quarantine anywhere else.


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Lovelots, T x

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