Blurb #3

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"If you're going to dress like that, I'm not going to let you out of my sight."

"Your lips are getting really close to mine."

"All I know is that if you don't tell me to stop I'm going to kiss you."


"If you're going to dress like that, I'm not going to let you out of my sight."

You couldn't help but furrow your brows at the lad who just walked into the kitchen, eyes glancing down at yourself to examine what you wore if it was in anyway offensive.

It was a simple, fitted black dress that stopped mid-thigh, a v-neckline and spaghetti straps adoring your upper half as the bottom sported a skirt that hugged tightly around your asset.

The back was low sure, and the slit on your thigh was a bit high but it wasn't too revealing, still leaving something for the imagination. The dress is what you'd normally wear when going to the club, which is where you're heading now in a couple minutes to meet the boys, so you have no idea why Tom felt the need to say what he said.

"Last time I checked you were my roommate, slash best friend. I didn't know bodyguard was added to your resumé as of recently," you joked, leaning forwards on the countertop as you scrolled through your phone.

If only you paid attention, you would've noticed the way Tom sucked in a breath, brown orbs glancing at your bent-over form as it turned a shade darker.

Does he have feelings for his roommate slash best friend? Of course he does. He has been for a while now. And seeing you in that sexy black dress, revealing just enough for his mind to go haywire, his judgment was slowly diminishing by the second. Even more so as his eyes trailed over your pushed out ass that was too accentuated by that dress for him to stay sane.

He quickly shook his head to rid of the thought, scoffing out loud to mask the lump that formed in his throat.

"I'm being serious though," he said in the most casual tone he can muster, walking over to the fridge to get himself a bottle of water. But before he could even grab one, the words that left your mouth made him halt all his movements completely.

"Then how am I supposed to get laid if you're going to be hovering over me?"

Jealousy coated every single nerve in Tom's whole body, nostrils flaring as he shut the fridge harshly, the loud sound making you jump and turn to him with a confused look.

Tom had no right to be jealous, he was completely aware of that, but he couldn't stop the strong emotion from rising up to his head, mind turning clouded as sauntered over to you with a stern look.

You stood frozen in your spot as Tom trapped you between him and the kitchen island without warning, arms resting on either side of you that there was nowhere for you to escape, his body so close to yours that you can practically feel the heat seep through your clothes.

The lad stayed silent as leaned closer, intense eyes never leaving yours, the look of anger on his face making you even more confused. But you can't deny that it made your insides churn as well, his scent intoxicating, the way he was staring you down with fire and desire was very overwhelming.

Tom is just too hot when he's angry.

"Your lips are getting really close to mine." you whispered under your breath, but given the proximity that you're in, there's no doubt that he can hear you. Hell, he can probably even hear the way your heart is beating so rapidly against your chest.

"Are you alright Tom?" you asked, trying to gauge what was running through his mind as you can see it clear in his eyes that he was deep into thought. Although it wasn't long for you to put two and two together, after all, you do feel the same way about him, the look he was giving you already familiar because you yourself have been staring at him in the same way on countless occasions.

"I don't know," Tom mumbled, voice low as his eyes stared right into yours with a certain gloss coating them. "All I know is that if you don't tell me to stop I'm going to kiss you."

You grinned at that, finger coming up to trace his jaw teasingly, muscle visibly clenching at your touch. "Well, I'm not stopping you anytime soon, so you better get it over and done with."

Tom didn't waste any time as he crashed his lips against yours with a low growl, hand gripping your waist tightly to pull you closer to his body. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder for support, fingers getting lost in his hair as your lips moved in sync with his in such urgency and hunger.

His hands traveled down your body, feeling each part deliberately until it landed right on top of your ass. You felt him smirk between the kiss before he gave each cheek a tight squeeze. You lurched forward with a gasp, Tom's tongue slipping into your mouth that's made you let out a soft moan right after.

Tom carefully maneuvered your bodies until you reached the living room, never pulling away from the heated kiss, never having enough of each other. Pushing you down to lay on the couch, he situated himself between your legs as you wrapped them tightly around his waist, a moan coming out of the both of you when his bulge pressed against your clothed heat.

Tom pulled away reluctantly to give in to his lung's need of air, supporting his body with his forearms for you to no get crushed by his weight. With him right on top of you, Tom had a moment of realization, a cocky smirk making it's way onto those beautiful lips as he said,

"Guess you're still getting laid with me hovering over you huh?"


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Lovelots, T x

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