Blurb #9

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a/n: this idea has been sitting in my drafts since the first time i found out that Tom is actually scared of along time ago asdfghjkl and just got around to finishing it a few weeks ago. i don't mind spiders and have handled quite a few but anyway, hope you enjoy this one <3

pairing: tom holland x female!reader

summary: There's a big spider on the bed and Tom is scared shitless to go near it so you're the one who has to get it out. He livestreams the whole thing for fun, so, you also chase him with it for fun.

warnings: fluffy funny stuff, a spider, a person who's scared of spiders, and a person who's not.

word count: 1.3k+



You hear your boyfriend scream, followed by thundering footsteps down the stairs that had you off the couch and on your feet in seconds.

"Tom? Are you alright?" you called out as you peeked in the hallway, the lad mentioned coming into view not long after. Your confusion and concern only heightened when Tom went to latch onto you immediately. His strong arms wrapped around your body, face buried on the crook of your neck as he lets out a soft groan of dismay. "What's up bubba?" you asked, rubbing his back comfortingly.

"There's a spider on the bed, like a really, really big spider," Tom muttered, pulling away to look at you with an adorable pout. You couldn't stop the laugh that's escaped your lips, Tom's pout turning more prominent as he looked at you with a look of utter betrayal on his face.

"Don't make fun," he whined.

"I'm not! I'm laughing because you're just too damn adorable when you're scared," you giggled, giving his jutted out lip a kiss. "And I thought you had broken a foot or something with how you screamed. You had me worried you goof, turns out it's just a spider."

"A very big spider," Tom corrected.

You shook your head with a playful roll of your eyes. "Okay, okay, let's get that very big spider out then."


Once in the bedroom, you shot Tom a pointed look after you had laid eyes on the creature that was staying still on his side of the bed. The spider was barely even the size of your palm and here you were expecting something really big. You should've known though since Tom likes to exaggerate sometimes.

"It's big for me!" he defended, both hands up in surrender.

You shook your head at him with a sigh. "Go get me a clear cup and a piece of paper. I'll keep an eye on it."

Tom nodded at that, leaving the bedroom in a jiffy and coming back not long after, the cup and paper on one hand while he had his phone on the other. "Hey guys, so, there's this really big spider on the bed—"

"Average-sized spider," you corrected, Tom rolling his eyes with a scoff before he flipped the camera so he could show the spider to the people.

"Big? Average? You guys decide," he said before turning the camera towards you. "But the lovely and amazing Y/N is here to save the day as always"—you waved at the camera before Tom turned it back on himself—"and I thought it'd be funny to do a live in case something happens also known as me dying."

You rolled your eyes at your overreacting boyfriend. "Can you hand me the stuff please before it gets away?" you pointed out, Tom chuckling as he made his way over to you. Once he gave you the things you asked for, you went over to where the spider was sat, getting ready to cover it with the cup. As you got closer—

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