Blurb #8

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Where you serenade Tom with If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys as you go on a scenic drive with the lads.


The weather was particularly good in London today and the boys impulsively decided that it was the perfect time for a somewhat long drive to the countryside. With you and Tom taking a much needed break from work—him on acting and you on music—the timing couldn't have been more perfect. So, with no actual plans whatsoever, you, Tom, Harry, Sam and Harrison hopped into the Audi A5 convertible—top down, of course—to get the most off of the scenic drive passing from Surrey Hills to Brighton. After all, spontaneous adventures are the best ones.

The sun was bright up above, perfectly married with the clear blue sky as the cool wind blew past, hairs and clothes dancing along the strong breeze. The road was long, winding, and practically empty given that you were far from the motorway and into the hills, wanting to see as much of the scenic views as possible. Harry was the captain of the ship with Harrison riding shotgun. You and Tom were in the back along with Sam, both boys on either side of you as you sat in the middle.

You let out a satisfied sigh, feeling comfy in your place as you cuddled into Tom's side, his arms resting behind you on the back of the seat while the other on the rolled down window or beltline. A love-struck smile grew on your lips as you gawked at your boyfriend, sporting his blue jeans and tight white shirt along with a cap he put on backwards that covered his hair, looking very handsome as he always is. He turned to face you once he felt your gaze, him mirroring the brightness of your grin as he leaned close to give your forehead a chaste kiss before both your eyes were back on the road.

Empire State of Mind was now blasting through the car speakers, you and the boys singing at the top of your lungs—sometimes in tune, sometimes not so much—with laughs and giggles following soon after. It was such a funny thing given that you are so far off New York. But putting a throwback playlist on shuffle, it was the first song that played and it was too good to skip.

Then the familiar melody of If I Ain't Got You filled your ears. You giddily sat straighter with a wide smile, tapping Harrison on the shoulder and telling him to turn it up. Tom looked at you quizzically but sported a grin of his own, your excitement rubbing off on him. It was when you did the first set of runs did Tom blew out his cheeks, shaking his head in pure awe at the beautiful sound of your voice as he kept his love-filled gaze steady on you.

Sam swiftly pulled his phone out and did an Instagram live, feeling it in his bones that this was something that needs to be recorded.

"Hello guys and welcome to a one-time-only, private car concert from none other than Miss Y/N herself," Sam introduced as he turned the camera to you, the rest of the boys cheering and applauding in the background. You couldn't help but laugh at their antics, waving at the camera before singing to your heart's content.

"Some people live for the fortune; some people live just for fame, some people live for the power, yeah, some people live just to play the game."

"Whew! Sing it darling," Tom cheered, nothing but wonderstruck on his features as he stared right at you, so deeply in love. Sam caught the whole thing, making the comments flood with nothing but hearts as Tom never took his eyes off of you even for a split second, his grin wide, loving and bright.

"Some people think, that the physical things, define what's within; and I've been there before, and that life's a bore, so full of the superficial," you continued to sing, Harrison and Harry at the front whooping as they waved both their hands up in the air, Sam making sure he records all the best bits all while laughing himself.

"Harry hands on the wheel and don't kill us all!" Tom scolded, though chuckled right after when the curly headed boy quickly held the wheel with one hand while he intertwined his other hand with Harrison's, both of them still waving it in the air.

As the chorus began its build, you turned to face Tom fully, the lad looking at you expectantly as he waited for whatever it was you're planning to do. Then you just sang the words to him and him only.

"Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all, if it ain't you, baby, if I ain't got you, baby"—you cupped Tom's cheek with your hand—"Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything, but everything means nothing, if I ain't got you, yeah," you sang to your man, the lad leaning into his touch as red started to tint his cheeks, completely enamored at your beauty, both voice and features.

"I am so fucking in love with you," Tom gushed, hands going to rest on your waist, giving it a loving squeeze as he shook his head at you in pure adoration.

"Look at these two," Sam sighed to the live, the comments going haywire with all the hearts, 'couple goals' and everything in between. "And look at these two divs," Sam laughed, turning the camera towards the front just in time to catch Harrison giving Harry's hand a kiss, acting like a couple just to imitate you two. Sam shook his head, flipping the camera back on him. "I feel like such a fifth wheel." He pouted. "Elysia come pick me up, I'm scared and lonely."

"Aw come here Sam," Harrison cooed, turning around to give Sam a smooch on the cheeks as carefully as he can in the moving car, his butt now facing the windshield.

"Don't cheat on me with my twin what the fuck?!" Harry gasped, Harrison throwing his hands up in surrender as he safely retreated back on his seat.

Oh the amount of content the fans are going to enjoy.

You and Tom shook your heads at them with laughs of your own, the joyous sound—along with the music—tying perfectly with the gorgeous view of the countryside. The boys then joined in on the second verse, nothing but pure happiness in the air as you enjoy each other's company, not a care in the world as you drive down the road with wide smiles on your faces.

"If I ain't got you with me, baby, oh, ooh, said nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing"—you leaned closer to Tom and pressed your forehead against his—"if I ain't got you with me, baby," you ended the song with a gorgeous run, voice smooth as silk, the sound an absolute pleasure to Tom's ears that he couldn't help but capture your lips in a loving kiss, a low satisfied growl rumbling in his chest at the feeling.

"Oh, you guys don't want to see that," Sam quickly flipped the camera to show his face, playfully gagging on the screen as he rolled his eyes at the two of you. Eyes back on the front, the boy flipped his phone into the rear camera again and added, "Look at these two instead."

Harry and Harrison leaned into the center console, pretending to kiss, Harry turning his head at the last minute so Harrison's lips landed on his cheek instead, the blonde boy gasping in feign offence as he pushed Harry away. With a chuckle of his own, Sam ended the live there and saved it as wholesome memories like these deserve to be saved.

Tom's smile was wide with the utmost love, his cheeks hurting but he didn't care, he was just so happy to have someone as amazing as you in his life. With a soft groan of content—especially when you gave his bottom lip a teasing nibble—Tom gave your waist a squeeze, tugging you closer in an attempt to pull you onto his lap, suddenly forgetting where exactly you are as he only wanted to have more of you, though his intention didn't go unnoticed by Sam.

"Keep your hands inside the vehicle and your cocks inside your pants at all times, please and thank you," Sam announced, voice booming over everything earning hysterical laughs from the boys in front.

You pulled away from the kiss with a hearty laugh of your own as you sat properly back in your place. Tom groaned in annoyance, throwing his head back and resting it on the seat as he crossed his legs.

"Fuck off Sam," Tom grumbled, shooting his laughing brother a pointed glare before he wrapped his arms around you again, nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck and giving your skin a sweet kiss. It was his turn to cuddle into your side for the rest of the trip, nothing but pure joy and satisfaction filling Tom's bones at the fact of experiencing the little yet beautiful moments with the people he holds dear in his heart. He always loves these kinds of moments, very simple but ones you could cherish for the rest of your lives.

After all, spontaneous adventures are the best ones.


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Lovelots, T x

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