Blurb #15

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"I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death."

"What are you afraid of?"


"Why do you always do this?" Tom asked, frustration coating each and every word as he stood across you in his living room. You kept your head down and stayed silent, arms wrapped around yourself securely as you tried to even your breathing.

Tom was running out of patience.

You both were cuddled on his couch just minutes before, basking in each other's warmth. It was going smoothly, that until Tom grew the courage to address the elephant in the room, the question that you've been so quick to shut down everything it gets brought up. Because you already know what Tom feels about you, known for a while now. But you on the other hands haven't been clear with anything at all. Your words were always in contrast with your actions and it was confusing him. And one can only endure certain questions for far too long with the countless amounts of trying to figure out signs before it gets overwhelming.

What are we?

The minute those words left Tom's mouth, you were quick to be on your feet, excuses leaving your lips as you got ready to leave. But not before Tom finally reached his breaking point.

"One minute we're doing alright but then the next you push me away. The minute you open up in the slightest you quickly shut me out," he sighed, fingers running through his hair harshly before his arms fell limp to his side. There was nothing but desperation coating his features as he tried to understand why you felt the need to put some distance between you two whenever Tom brings up what he feels about you.

"Love, just talk to me, please," Tom begged. "Tell me the truth. Tell me a straight up no and stop dangling maybes because it's killing me. Just say you don't want us to be together and I'll go, for good."

"It's not that Tom," you said, voice breaking as you still refused to look at him.

"Then what the fuck is it then!?" Tom exclaimed, control slowly slipping from his grasp, his voice raising unintentionally.

You finally looked at him, lips trembling, tears pooling in your eyes as you stared into those troubled brown orbs, taking in a shaky breath before you let the words go.

"I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death."

Tom felt his heart leap out of his chest at your confession, joy spreading through every inch of his body but the second he saw your tears, his frown could only grow deeper.

"What are you afraid of?" he asked softly, feet taking small strides as he walked closer towards you.

"Everything, Tom," you breathed out in exasperation. "I'm afraid of what your fans would think. I'm afraid of the fact that I will never be enough for you. There are so many girls who'd fall at your feet and I'm pretty sure most of them are far better than me."

"But you are who I want to be with Y/N. You know how strongly I feel for you," Tom paused, a shaky breath coming out of him as he held your gaze. "You know how much I love you."

You shook your head as you casted your eyes to the ground. "But that doesn't make me feel any less scared, not because of you but because of me. I'm scared to love you because every time I fall it always ends up the same. I always end up getting left behind. I always end up getting hurt," you whimpered at your last sentence, Tom's heart breaking at the obvious fear in your voice, the utmost dread in every letter of your words.

You slightly jumped in surprise when you felt Tom's hands rest on your arms, him smoothing out your skin comfortably as he moved even closer. "Look at me," he said softly, fingers coming to rest under your chin, gently urging to meet his eyes. And once you did, your tear-filled orbs meeting his brown ones, Tom flashed you a sweet, reassuring smile.

"Do you know how much my love for you scares me too? It's just too strong that I would honestly do anything you ask me too, no matter what it is. And it scares the shit out of me knowing that if ever I'll lose you then, I-I can't even bear to imagine the thought and how much it would hurt." Tom's fingers moved from your chin and to graze your jaw until he was able to cup your cheek. "But those worries don't affect a thing, you know why? Because I know you're worth it. You always will be worth it. What I feel for you is real Y/N. And I'm ready to take the leap for you, no matter how scared I am.

"And I'm nothing like them darling, I'm not going to hurt you," he reassured, thumb wiping away the tears that sat in your skin. "I love you too much to do that." Leaning closer, Tom went to cup your face tenderly, fondly with both hands, noses brushing lightly, eyes securely locked with yours to give the three letter words even more weight, to make you see what he truly feels and just how much.

"I love you," Tom whispered, his breath hot against your lips, voice coated with the utmost sincerity, eyes glowing with the rawest emotion, his skin soft against your cheek but touch strong to get a hold of your heart, to make you feel that this is where you belong.

Everything of Tom made you feel that this thing between you two, it was real and it was right.

And in that moment, you weren't afraid anymore, as you got lost into the swirls of his brown eyes, you knew there was nothing to be afraid of. In that moment, you were ready to take the leap, knowing that once you do, Tom will be there to catch you.

"I love you too, Tom."


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Lovelots, T x

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