Blurb #7

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a/n: so, i don't know what or how this happened but *throws fic* here ya go!! *runs and hides in a hole* *peeks back out* enjoy!!

pairing: tom holland x female!reader

summary: Tom jet skiing is just too hot for you to handle and it's making you feel certain emotions. So, you take matters into your own hands... somewhat literally.

warnings: written fairly quick (so might be shitty), alludes to smut (make out in the bathroom and then some...kinda lol), typos I might have missed (slightly proofread) and oh, the pictures.

word count: 1.1k+ (it's a short one! a miracle! alsklaks)


You knew from the moment he picked those shorts to wear that this was going to be dangerous. Then again, you didn't do much to prevent him from wearing it either because your man looks good in them, how can you complain?

But then, he got into the wetsuit. That was when it took all your strength to try and be calm about it, to seem unaffected as you got on the jet ski right behind him. And as you rode into the stretch of the ocean, it became much harder to take control of this fiery feeling inside you. There was just something so attractive with the way he took absolute control of the roaring engine, somewhat taming the beast in the way he maneuvered his way across the waves. Not to mention the feeling of his muscles flexing underneath the tight fabric, your fingers unable to escape them given that you have no choice but to hold onto him.

You do take pride in your sense of control, so you've managed to get off the jet ski and smile sweetly, innocently at your boyfriend, expression a stark contrast to the absolute filth that's swimming in your mind.

It was when he took the wetsuit off did you finally decide that the agony was enough. Your patience has been stretched too thin as you watched him walk under the sun, his wet hair shining, making his curls look even more gorgeous. And with the way the ocean water coated his body, he was glowing underneath the rays, his muscles more defined from his arms, to his broad shoulders, his toned chest, and then those abs, gosh those abs that you could never get enough of. Plus, with how those evil shorts were hanging too low at his hips, his v-line was showing just enough that it had you wanting more of what was hidden in between. Put all of those together and my goodness did he look like an absolute Greek god, one who you wanted to get a taste of.

"Tom? Can you help me with the zip for a sec? I think it's stuck," you called out after your boyfriend who was waiting for you just on the other side of the bathroom door. Your words were a huge lie given that you were already out of your wetsuit, you just needed him inside without raising much suspicion.

Once you unlocked the door, Tom slipped inside, confusion covering his face when he saw you already in your swimwear. Though you didn't give him much time to think as you swiftly pushed him back against the nearby wall, your lips on his in a split second, Tom kissing back not long after as he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly.

Your fingers were touching him all over, deliberately feeling his muscles, running them down from his broad shoulders to his biceps, giving them a squeeze making Tom chuckle softly. Then you went further down, playing with the garter of his shorts for a couple teasing seconds before you went slowly back up, warm palms flat against his abs to his toned chest, fingers snaking up his neck and then tangling them in his damp curls. You earned a gasp from him when you tugged on them hotly, your tongue slipping inside his mouth without further hesitation. Albeit a familiar one, both your heads were spinning at the taste, soft moans filling the air as your tongues meet.

"Very sneaky," Tom chuckled lowly against the kiss, wide smirk in full play, his hands going to squeeze at the swell of your bum as he tries to keep up with the absolute fervour in your kiss. He would be lying if he said he didn't notice the way you looked at him. Other than the fact that Tom knows you, he's always focused on you, so of course he noticed and yes, he loved it. "Could've just told me you wanted to—oh," Tom cuts himself off with a gasp at the sudden feeling of your palm pressed up against the tent on his shorts, his hands that were rested on your bum tightening around the flesh in the process.

"Fuck," he breathed out, head thrown back to give your more access as you now moved your kisses down to his neck, sucking on his sweet spots just lightly, careful not to leave any marks. You pulled away for a second to meet his eyes, Tom giving you a nod of consent before you hooked your fingers on his shorts and pulled them down just as you slowly lowered yourself down his body, littering hungry kisses on his chest, his abs and then that luscious v-line.

"Fucking hell," Tom hissed as your nimble fingers wrapped around the base, his eyes screwing shut for a second, lavishing the feeling before he slowly looked down at you to meet your lust-filled gaze.

Tom shook his head in pure awe, brown orbs coated with admiration but also glowing with lust at the sight of you gorgeous on your knees. Then you looked up at him with a sweet, adorable smile, head tilted to the side innocently, but then your eyes, the absolute mischief and devilish look in your beautiful eyes, Tom felt like he was about to bust right then and there. And then you spoke,

"Now, you're going to have to be quiet for me pretty boy."

Tom nodded frantically with a shaky breath, bottom lip quick to get caught between his teeth as he tried to suppress a low, guttural moan once he felt the slickness and warmth of your tongue.


"What took you guys so long?" Harry asked as you and Tom walked towards the group hand in hand and wide smiles on both your faces.

With his cheeks turning more flushed, Tom cleared his throat. "The tie of her swimsuit got stuck in the zip," he said, shrugging nonchalantly while you tried your best to bit back a grin, laying your head on his shoulder innocently.

The group only nodded without care, now slowly making their way back to the cars. "You guys want to get some food?" Harry spoke towards everyone.

"I don't know, I think I'm already full," you hummed against Tom's ear only, a shiver running down his spine at the soft purr in your voice. When he met your gaze, you only shot him a playful wink, your smile too mischievous that it was hard for him to seem unaffected since that certain smile was quick to remind him what happened just minutes prior. Which wouldn't exactly be ideal for he can't really hide it in the shorts.

With a squeeze of your hand and a discreet warning glare, Tom silently urged you to behave. At least, until you get back to the hotel. Then he'll let you be as devilish as you want to be.


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Lovelots, T x

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