Blurb #14

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"Are you still awake...?"

"Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."


You were expecting it, the knock on your door at two in the morning on a Friday night.

It's been a regular thing for him, to show up drunk at your doorstep, smiling all wide as if he didn't just have another girl all over him at whatever club they went to this time around. You were invited of course, you have the same circle of friends, but you just can't watch him flirt back with other girls anymore. Not when he doesn't even bother waving them off, especially when he knows you're right there watching, when he fucking knows how you feel about him.

You ignored him the first time he knocked, ignored him when he called out your name, screwing your eyes shut as you hugged your pillow closer. But he just wouldn't stop and you know he wouldn't go away until you tell him face to face. He's just stubborn that way. So, you pushed yourself off the bed, not even bothering to slip some shorts or a bra on under the oversized shirt you're wearing as you treaded towards the front door.

You took a deep breath as you took hold of the doorknob, exhaling slowly before turning it and pulling the door open. Your heart skipped a beat the moment you laid eyes on him, just as it always does. Your heart swooned when you saw him sporting his typical white shirt and blue jeans combo, his face all flushed from the alcohol he's consumed.

"Are you still awake...?" Tom slurred, eyes barely open as he leaned his weight on the door frame, tired yet charming smile on his lips.

"What do you think Tom?" you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest with a frown. He chuckled softly at that, closing his eyes as he shook his head at his own stupid question.

Once he opened his eyes again, his gaze traveled down your body. You felt your heart stutter when his smile grew wide, brighter, eyes back on yours as he softly gushed, "I always love seeing you in my clothes. You look so beautiful in them."

You mentally cursed yourself for not changing, hands going to pick at the hem of the shirt you're wearing, his shirt which was the only thing you were wearing aside from your underwear.

Tom was quick to notice this, a teasing smirk started to grow on his lips. "My shirts must be comfy huh, 'cause it's always the only thing you wear when you sleep," he hummed.

"What do you want Tom?" you said bluntly, avoiding his eyes at all costs.

Taken aback by your sudden coldness, Tom shifted on his feet as he looked at you curiously. "Can I come in, love? I just want to cuddle. I missed you—"

"N-No," you croaked, cutting him off, your voice breaking despite trying your best for it not to. You took in a deep breath, holding yourself together as you met his brown eyes and firmly said,

"No, you can't."

Tom frowned, head tilted to the side as he tried to get a good look of you. He stood straighter once he noticed the tear that slid down your cheek, hand lifting up in an attempt to reach for you, to wipe that tear away, to feel your skin on his.

"Darling, what's wrong—"

"Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy," you breathed out, stopping him in his tracks, frown remaining on his lips that only deepened as you continued, "And I think it's time for me to realize that they're right."

"What do you mean?" he asked, voice slightly shaking, brows furrowed in confusion as his arms fell limp on his sides.

"You're not good to me," you choked back a sob, eyes landing on the ground, unable to look at those brown orbs you've grown to love but at the same time, has repeatedly brought you so much hurt. "You're just stringing me along because you know how much I love you and you're using that to your advantage. You're using me as a backup for when other girls reject you because you know I won't say no."

The alcohol left Tom's body in a snap at your words, his heart aching at the sight of you in tears, fingers inching to get closer, to hold your shaking form in his arms.

"No, Y/N, that's not true I—"

"I'm done with your games Tom," you whimpered, taking in deep breaths before you lifted your head up to meet his gaze, your tear-filled eyes locking with his worry-filled ones. "If you can't man up and just say you don't feel the same way rather than just play with my feelings and lead me on then I can't do this anymore. I won't do this anymore."


"Goodnight and goodbye, Tom," you cut him off, the clock ticking too late, heart growing numb with each move the minute hand makes. You just want to get some rest, your mind not wanting to process any more excuses at this hour. "I hope you figure out what's going on with yourself or your life. But I'm not going to be a part of it anymore."

"No, wait—" Tom got cut off with the door slamming shut, right at his face, the muffled yet heart wrenching sound of your sob echoing in his ears, the sound of your rushed footsteps dreadfully growing farther away. He blinked a few times before it finally sunk in, realization hitting him like a train on how much of an asshole he's been acting towards you.

All because Tom Holland was a fucking coward.

All because he was scared to commit, to admit to you fully what his heart has been screaming. All because he chose the nagging voices in his head, how he was still young, how he should have a bit of fun before jumping into something serious.

What Tom felt for you scared the crap out of him, because every time he looks at you all he sees is endgame.

Cowardliness, the only reason that Tom might have just lost the best thing that's ever happened to him.

"Y/N, open up please," he begged, palms pressed flat against the door as he hung his head low in shame. "Let's talk about this."

When he was met by stark silence, no sign of movement on the other side, that's when Tom realized, that he might have just lost the best person who came into his life. He might have just lost the only person who made him feel utmost happiness, the one who showed him the purest forms of love.

"Y/N...please, I'm sorry," Tom croaked out, a shaky breath coming out of him as he clenched his fists against the surface, knuckles rapping at the door once more. "I'm so sorry for hurting you darling. Please, let me make it up to you."

Although the thing with regret, it always comes when it's too late.

"Y/N...but I-I do feel the same way," he choked back a sob, forehead pressed up against the wood as tears flowed freely down his face.

"I do love you."


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Lovelots, T x

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