Blurb #4

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A/N: was planning to make this simple like PR stunts and contracts but i decided to make it harder for myself as i always do and went on a different route instead alskals enjoy a bit of mob!tom and hope you like it!


"Are you leaving me?" "Do you want me to leave you?"

"I would never do this to you if I didn't have to. You know that right?"

"The funny thing is, you could have fixed this and you didn't even try,"


The night sky felt comforting, eyes trained on the millions of white dots littered across endless darkness as you lay in the arms of your lover.

Both of you were sprawled on the soft grass in the back garden, the sound of crickets and the soft hum of the wind filling your ears, along with his steady heartbeat as you rested your head on his chest.

It was a calm and peaceful scenery, but none of your minds were at peace, just knowing what the future holds.

"Are you leaving me?" you asked, despite already knowing what you know, just to try and maybe change his mind for one last time. Tom's arms tightened around you, hands resting on the small of your back as he murmured against your hair. "Do you want me to leave you?"

You couldn't stop yourself from scoffing at his response, pushing yourself up to look at him fully with nothing but anger. "You know I don't. But what I want doesn't matter now does it?"

Tom knew you better, he knew the anger was just a mere mask to hide what you were actually feeling inside, pain and fear. And he knew he had the same emotions swimming in his eyes. "Darling, we've been over this," he said sweetly, sitting up himself to be level with you.

You shook your head at him as you look away, bottom lip caught between your teeth to stop it from trembling.

"The funny thing is, you could have fixed this and you didn't even try," you croaked, eyes avoiding his that you'd miss the way he took full offence at your words, because he did try, he did the best he could.

Tom had power and money yes, but they were no match to what he was up against. He would choose a different path in a heartbeat, choose to be with you, but that's the problem, he has no other choice.

"I did try Y/N, fuck, I tried so hard to fix things but I can't. If it was only my life on the line it would've been easier. But it's your life versus mine, I'd rather keep you out of danger and alive than me."

Tom was planning to start a new life, to escape the world of Mafia so he can go and be with you in peace. He wanted a safe and sound life that would have a guaranteed future, that's all he's been wanting ever since he met you. But when word got around about his plan, the Boss wasn't happy about it.

Tom was a very valuable pawn in this game of chess, and they would do anything to keep him in, to have control over him, and that includes threatening the life of his one and only love.

He would do absolutely everything for you and they're using that to their advantage.

With a sigh, Tom pulled you close until you sat on his lap, hand going to cup your face lovingly. It pained him to look into your beautiful eyes and see sadness in them. The hurt the pain, he wants to take it away from you, but he can't do that without putting your life on the line.

"I would never do this to you if I didn't have to. You know that right?" he whispered, voice strangled as he tried to keep his emotions at bay.

"I know that but I'd rather be with you Tom. I know there are consequences, knew from the very beginning what I was getting myself into, but still, I want to be with you Tom," you whimpered, leaning into his touch as you held his gaze, those brown orbs that you love and adore so much.

"Life with the mob is not the life you want Y/N. It's not what I want for you because you deserve so much better," Tom paused, taking in a shaky breath, warm hand sneaking under your shirt as rested his palm against the small swell of your belly. "You both do."

You let out a broken sob as the tears came streaming down your face, knowing that you couldn't argue with him much longer. And you have to do this too despite it hurting like a thousand knives to the heart. You're doing this for yourself, Tom and for the sake of the baby.

Tom wasn't able to hold back his own emotions, a sharp pain coursing in his chest as his eyes turned glossy at the thought of what was going to happen next.

Tom presses his forehead against yours, thumb caressing your cheek, wiping away your tears as much as he could.

"Someone is going to drive you to the airport tomorrow. You'll be given a passport and other needed documents with a new name and identity that I know nothing off. That way I can't be tempted to look for you. I've had someone set up an offshore account to your name, and my bank will be sending you money there every month."

Tom was aware that the deal was if he complied to the Boss' will, then the Mafia will leave you alone. But he doesn't trust them, you'd be a downright fool if you do. They've already threatened your life once, what's stopping them from doing it again? And with a baby on the way, Tom just needs to do this even more, just to be sure.

"I just want you and our little one safe," Tom choked back a sob. He knew the clock was ticking, both of you do, so with no more words left to say, you pressed your lips against his, a broken sob coming out of the both of you, knowing that this might be the last time you'll be able to feel his touch, last time you're going to be with each other.

The kiss was bittersweet as it was a kiss goodbye, two hearts ripped apart, forced to be torn away from each other despite wanting to stay connected.

It was a hard and very painful choice to make, but Tom was willing to pay the price, willing to endure the torture just so you and your baby can live the peaceful and normal life that you deserve.


Vote & Comment if you enjoyed the story lemme know your thoughts! x

Lovelots, T x

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