Blurb #2

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"I can't sleep when you're not beside me."

"You hurt me."


A screaming contest, that's what your night has come to. Nobody meant to take this route, but when both parties are tired and stressed with everything, added the hint of anger in their bones, then they end up throwing words beyond reason.

You've yet again had a panic attack, anxiety through the roof as you accidentally stumbled upon troll and hate comments about you on the internet. And just like the past few, Tom was not there when you needed him.

He was busy, you tried your best to understand and you do. But it's been going on for a long time, feelings building up as you failed to approach him about it, so when it happened again, you exploded.

"What was I meant to do? You know I can't answer the phone when I'm in an important meeting," Tom reasoned, fingers running through his in agitation as he tried to see where you're coming from with your sudden outburst.

"I needed you and you weren't there! You've never been there! You don't care about me Tom!" His face fell at your words, arms going limp beside him as he looks at you with nothing but hurt on his features. That's when you realize the weight of what you've just actually said.

"You know there's things I can't control. I've been really busy yes, but I'm trying to be there for you as much as I can. I—" Tom paused with a deep in take of breath. "—I'm trying my best here Y/N," he breathed out, voice trailing off, eyes glossing up and you instantly felt guilty at your empty accusation.

You know it wasn't true, he has never failed to show you that he does care about you, more than you could even ask for. But somehow the anger clouded your judgment that you've become rash with your words.

"Tom I—"

"We need to get some sleep. I'll be in the guest bedroom in case you need me," he cut you off, shaking his head with a sigh as he made his way down the hallway, disappearing from sight before you could even make another sound.

With shoulders slumped, you made your way into your shared bedroom upstairs, heart heavy as you tried your best to get some sleep.

It wasn't working of course. You've never been able to go to sleep easily without a certain lad's warmth coating you. And with as much tossing and turning you can muster, already hugging his pillow for good measure but still no progress, you sighed, pushing yourself out of bed and making your way downstairs.

"Tom?" you called out, peeking your head into the door, barely making out his form on the bed due to the dim room. "You awake?" All you received was a hum, a confirmation that he was in fact awake but still not giving your presence full acknowledgement.

"I can't sleep when you're not beside me," you whispered with a frown, standing still in your place by the doorway as you watched him stir and then push the blanket off his body. Tom sat up with a sigh, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and flicking the lamp on before he met your eyes.

"You hurt me." Tom said softly, deep frown on his lips that's had your heart aching.

"I know and I'm really sorry," you croaked, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as your gaze fell down on the floor. You heard him let out a sigh, a few seconds of silence before he spoke again.

"Love, come here," he called out, your eyes snapping back up to see his hand outstretched as he beckons you closer.

You walked over to him, and once you placed your hand in his, he pulled you closer until you stood between his legs. As his fingers fiddled with your own, he looked up at you, eyes boring right into yours with so much emotion you couldn't pinpoint which was what.

"You know I care about you, I love you with all my heart. And when you question that, it hurts. It makes me think that maybe what I'm doing still isn't enough but I'm really trying my best love," Tom said, voice soft with affection despite having hurt with your words. But he never could stay angry at you, he loves you way too much for that.

"I know Tom, it's wrong for me to accuse you of that. I know you care, and I know you're trying. I'm really sorry for what I said and for being too harsh on you. I'm sorry for asking too much of you," you admitted, squeezing his hands as you kept your gaze steady on his handsome face.

"No, no, you're not asking too much, if you need me, you need me. But please darling, tell me the problem right away instead of bottling it up and waiting for it to explode. I need you to talk to me for this to work angel." Tom looked at you expectantly. He just wanted you to be open with him is all, and you were going to try you best to do so, put in the effort as well.

"Okay." You nodded with a small smile, Tom mirroring your expression as he stood up from his place on the bed to give you a quick yet loving kiss on the lips.

"Now, let's go get some proper sleep my love."


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Lovelots, T x

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