TH's YouTube AU Extras: Most Likely To

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You were sat crossed legged on the couch, closely beside Tom who was all sprawled out. His legs were open wide as he leaned back on the cushion with one arm on the back of the sofa, right behind you. There was a camera on a tripod right in front of you both that was already recording.

"Hello guys! Welcome to our...second channel, should I call it?" Tom turned to you with a chuckle. You gave him a nod and a sweet smile. "This is basically where we post the shorter and more unplanned videos," he elaborated, glancing back at the camera with a soft chuckle.

"Today we're going to be doing a quick Who Is Most Likely To," you explained. "We've got our ping-pong paddles right here with each our name on opposite sides," you added, showing the camera the paddles with Tom doing the same.

"And Harry is right behind the camera to ask the questions," Tom finished, pointing towards Harry to get this game going.

Who's most likely to date a celebrity?

"That's such a bad first question," you scoffed with a shake of your head, lifting up the paddle with your name.

"I mean, she's dating one now," Tom laughed, doing the exact same and showed your name as he wriggled his brows at the camera.

Who's most likely to be dramatic?

Both of you raised the paddle with Tom's name on it, the lad beside you chuckling with a nod.

"Yeah, I don't think we need to explain this one," he said.

"He's just over dramatic with everything," you pointed out with a playful roll of your eyes.

"No, I'm not!" Tom protested with a loud gasp, the hand that held the paddle landing on his chest as he gawked at you.

"You were saying?" You raised your brow, Tom pouting in response but didn't bother to say another word. You giggled at that, leaning towards him to place a sweet kiss on his cheek that was quick to replace his pout with a bright grin.

Who's most likely to die due to something stupid?

Tom showed your name with a soft chuckle, you nodding in agreement as you lifted the paddle up with your name too.

"I'm just so clumsy," you laughed. "I'd probably slip and break my neck in the process so yeah, me."

"You see now why I'm overprotective over your clumsy but pretty ass?" Tom pointed out, narrowing his eyes at you. "I need to wrap you in those human-size bubbles to keep you from harm I swear."

"See what I mean about overdramatic?" you challenged, turning to the camera with a deadpan expression.

"It's just 'cause I love you too much, darling," he crooned, leaning closer to place a tender kiss on your temple. You leaned into his warmth with a soft hum and a love-struck smile on your lips, a sight that only made Tom's heart melt.

Mostly like to go to prison for something stupid?

"Probably me," Tom chuckled, paddle up to show his name.

You did just the same. "I mean you've already admitted to wanting to rob a bank," you giggled.

"If I have superpowers," he countered.

"But that's still a very stupid thing to admit in public, is it not?" you giggled, Tom sighing softly as he nodded in agreement.

Who's most likely to cry during a sad movie?

Both of you lifted your paddles up at the same time, your name written on each of it.

"I mean I'm a big crier too but it would take a very emotional scene. But the minute she sees someone else cry, she's gone," Tom explained, turning you with a soft chuckle.

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