Blurb #13

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"I'm going to take care of you, okay?" 


"Y/N!" Tom called out, rushing into your apartment and rather thankful for the spare key you lent him as worry coated him from head to toe. The faintly morbid text you've sent him a few minutes ago didn't help to ease his frantic mind.

You were visiting your parents for the weekend—well, supposed to until Tom got a text how you were back at your place, having only spent a couple hours at your hometown.

He quickly went to your bedroom, his heart breaking as your sobs met his ears the moment he stepped in the space. Tom's frown could only deepen at the sight of you hugging your knees while you sat on the floor, back rested on the foot of your bed as your body shook.

"Darling," Tom sighed, walking over to you and crouching down until he reached a close enough proximity. Your head shot up the moment his hands touched your knees, a tender smile playing on his lips as he met yours eyes. Your bottom lip trembled as you pushed yourself up and jumped into his arms, Tom welcoming you into his hold, sighing at the sound of your heartbreaking sniffles.

"It's okay, you're okay," he hummed against your hair, rubbing comforting circles on your back in a way that had you slowly melt into his embrace.

"I was so excited when I told them the good news but they couldn't even fake a smile when they heard it," you muttered against his shirt. Tom lets out a sigh but didn't interrupt. He knows the best way is to let you get all of it out first. "I thought they could the least bit be proud of me you know? I worked so hard yet they still choose to turn a blind eye because I didn't choose what they wanted.

"You'd think as parents they would be happy because I'm happy but they only want me to do their bidding. It's like they only see me as some stranger who owes them money for raising me," you sniffled. You were silent for a few moments, taking in a deep breath as you gently pulled away to meet his eyes again. "I'm sorry Tom, I shouldn't lay this out on you—"

"No, stop that," he scolded, warms hands going to cup you face tenderly. "You've got nothing to apologize for sweetheart. When I told you I'm always going to be here for you, I meant it, love." Tom smiled, his thumb brushing away the tears that sat on your skin. "I'm always going to be here when you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I promised you that I'll always be here through—"

"—the good, the bad and the ugly," you finished his sentence with a soft sniffle, flashing him a small but very grateful smile.

"The good, the bad and the ugly," Tom repeated with a bright grin, glad that you still remember the promise he made a year ago. "And I don't mean to be rude but if your parents can't seem to be happy for the smart, kind, lovely, and amazing woman you've grown to be then that's on them, not you. You don't need that toxicity in your life, even if they're your blood."

You tilted your head at him with an adorable pout, Tom chuckling softly in response as he gave your jutted our lip a sweet peck. He took your hand in his and stood up to his full height, guiding you to the same.

"I'll run you a bath and then we're going to eat your favorite food for dinner after," he hummed, leaning closer give your forehead a kiss.

You looked at him with a small frown when he pulled away. "Tom you don't have—"

"Nope, let me," Tom said, giving your hands a gentle squeeze in the process. "I'm going to take care of you, okay?"


And with that, he made his way to the en suite, the sound of running water echoing around the space not long after. Tom came back out a minute later in just his boxers, beckoning you over with his hand outstretched to which you gladly took.

Once inside the bathroom he helped you put your hair up, placing loving kisses on your neck and shoulders as he did so. Despite your protests, saying how you didn't lose any limbs, he helped you out of your clothes as well. Tom made sure to leave a trail of kisses down your warm skin as he took off your pants and underwear, trailing back up to give every inch of you some loving attention as he pulled your shirt off your body. Once he was standing back up to his full height, his arms went around your back to unclasp your bra as he gave your face some sweet kisses too, never stopping until you were letting out soft giggles that Tom always loved to hear.

He took his boxers off and went in the tub, holding out his hands so you can climb in easily. You sighed at the warm water coating your skin as you sat down in between his legs, moving closer to your man until you felt his toned chest right against you bare back.

Tom was humming some tune you didn't quite catch, but the soft sound of his voice and the small vibrations in his chest was helping you relax in more ways than one. Not to mention the feeling of his tender touches as he ran his hands up your arms and on your shoulders, giving them a squeeze before he runs them down again, and then repeat, the water dancing along with his movements.

You turned your head to look at him, heart fluttering to see that he was already looking at you with a wide smile, eyes glowing with the utmost love. You leaned closer until there were no distance between you two, satisfied hums echoing around the bathroom walls as your lips met.

"I love you," you murmured against his lips, pouring out all your emotions into the kiss to make him feel what you want to say, just how grateful you are to have him in your life, because sometimes your words can only justify so little.

Tom chuckled between the kiss, already knowin—no, feeling what you were telling him, his teeth grazing your bottom lip playfully before he whispered,

"And I love you, my beautiful angel."


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Lovelots, T x

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