Blurb #5

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"I'm not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only."

"Stop with the tongue thing, it's strangely attractive."


"Can't believe you tried to invite him in the first place," Tom grumbled on his place on the couch, brows knitted together with bottom lip jutted out, arms crossed over his chest looking like a literal child who was throwing a tantrum.

His knickers were in a twist because you attempted to invite a friend of yours over to watch a movie together. The glare he shot you when you were on the phone was deadly enough for you to take it back quickly.

Your best friend is a bit overdramatic, then again, he is an actor after all.

"Is someone jealous?" you teased, plopping down beside him as you shoved your shoulder with his playful. Tom scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only," he grumbled, making you let out a hearty laugh as you threw your hands up in surrender.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry. I won't do the same mistake again. Now show me that smile," you cooed, hand going to give his cheek a poke.

Tom pursed his lips to try and stop his grin from forming, swatting your hand away playfully. "Shove off," he tutted.

"Not until you get rid of that awful pout," you said jokingly, giving his cheek another poke that it was hard for Tom to keep a straight face. So instead, he ran his tongue over his top lip to stop it from curving into a smile.

And with each poke, he did it again. Over and over and ove—

"Stop with the tongue thing, it's strangely attractive," you muttered under your breath, realization dawning on you that the heat coated your whole face in an instant.

Tom tilted his head at you, grin finally showing it's way on his lips as he swiped his tongue over it again, making sure to keep eye contact with you. "Why don't you come here and make me, darling?"

Suddenly feeling bold, that was exactly what you did.

You grabbed him by the back of his neck and pressed your lips on his, the sudden action catching Tom offguard for only a second before his eyes fluttered close, hands finding your hips to pull you onto his lap.

It was about time someone made a move. The elephant in the room has been too obvious to miss as time passed by. Both of you were aware of it, both of you knew that what you felt for each other was more than just best friends, it was just a matter of who acted on it first.

You felt Tom finally smile between the kiss, his hands running up and down your waist leisurely that has you sighing in content.

Both of you were panting when you pulled away, sheepish grins plastered on your faces as you looked at each other adoringly.

"Now admit it, you were jealous," you spoke, nudging the tip of your nose with his in the cutest way, Tom's heart melting at the seems at the gesture.

"And what if I was?" he asked with a raise of his one messy brow. You shook your head with a giggle, giving his lips a quick peck before saying,

"Nothing, you're just really cute when you get jealous."


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Lovelots, T x

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