Blurb #11

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"Can I sit here? The other tables are full."

"I don't want to think about what I'd be like without you."


"Can I sit here? The other tables are full."

You looked up from your textbook and papers to meet a pair of brown eyes and a charming smile, hand placed on the back of the chair right across from you in the café booth You looked around and behind you, just to make sure that he was speaking to you. Well, it was obvious but can never be too sure. Meeting his eyes again, you smiled and went to clear up your things so he can sit comfortably without all the mess in front of him.

"Uh, yeah sure, just let me—"

"No, it's fine. You can leave it like that. I don't want to derail you from your work," he smiled sweetly, sitting down across from you and setting his cup on the far side of the table, careful to not spill anything on your stuff.

"Oh, I'm Tom by the way," he hummed, offering out his hand for you to shake.

"Y/N, pleasure to meet you." You smiled brightly at him as you took his hand in yours, his touch warm and very welcoming.

"Pleasure's all mine, darling."


"Ever wondered if that café had a free table?" you asked nonchalantly, running your fingers through Tom's hair. You were cuddled on your shared bed, his head rested on your chest while his arms were wrapped around your form, his body situated between your legs as he rests his weight on top of you.

He whined at your question, snuggling even close to your body as he buried his face on the crook of you neck. "I don't want to think about what I'd be like without you," he grumbled.

"Good thing there wasn't any free tables in that café huh," you hummed, turning your head to give his forehead a swift kiss.

"Well, about that—"

"You lied?" you gasped, playfully covering your hand over your mouth.

Tom pulled away so he could look at you fully, a shy smile on his lips to match the red tint on his cheek. "You just look too cute so I had to say hi but I felt so shy and I couldn't think of anything to start up the conversation and—"

"I know, Tom," you laughed, cutting him off.

Tom's eyes narrowed at you, one brow raised as he looked at your curiously. "Wait, what do you mean you know?" he asked.

"I wasn't blind bubba, I saw an empty seat, two tables to my right," you giggled.

Tom smirked, wriggling his brows as he started to hover over you, both hands now rested on ether side of your head. "Oh, so you did want me to sit with you then?" he hummed.

You shrugged, fingers taking home on the hair on the back of his head. "You were cute, can you blame me?"

"No, because I am cute," he said smugly.

You can't help but roll your eyes. "Oh shut up."

"Make me darling."

And make him you did as you grabbed him by the nape of his neck and brought him down for a sweet, loving kiss. Wide smiles were plastered on your lips as you both sigh in pure satisfaction, glad to have each other, happy to be with each other.

Thank goodness for your boyfriend's silly way of making a move to talk to a girl.


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Lovelots, T x

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