Blurb #12

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requested on tumblr: Hey hunny!! I freakin love your work and I was wondering if you are still taking request if you could do one where the reader is a singer while on tour something bad happens and Tom freaks out and flys to wherever she is and it's really fluff and stuff?? Sorry if it's hella confusing but I love you and if you can't do it don't worry!!:)))


"What do you mean she fainted?" Tom stressed, already pacing back in forth in his trailer the moment he heard your manager say, 'I need you to relax,' when she was the one who picked up your phone when Tom called.

"What do you mean she's getting rushed to the hospital?!" he shrilled, hands flying to his hair and tugging at the roots in pure worry and frustration given that he was miles away from where your show was going to be.

You were doing rehearsals at the moment and Tom was given a long break for the day since there was a mix up in the schedule and it was going to be a while before they sort things out. So, with his free time, Tom decided to give his girl a call, to see how you're doing and to wish you good luck. Imagine the shock he felt when it was your manager who answered the call to deliver some not so good news.


Tom raised a hand up to silence his brother before focusing back on the phone. "No, I'm flying over there now. Text me the details and I'll be there soon, bye."

"What'd you mean you're flying over?"

Tom didn't bother to look at his brother as he quickly gathered all the things he needed and put them inside his backpack. "It's just a two hour flight Harry. I'll be back once I'm sure she's okay."


Harry didn't get a chance to stop him when Tom was already out the door, ran to the street to get a cab and rushed to the airport.


Tom was out of breath when he reached the hospital, heart pounding the moment he asked for the detail of your room. Once he got the number, he didn't waste any more time as he ran towards that direction. He didn't even bother to knock, he just pushed the door open and Tom was met by your form, sporting a hospital gown as you lay on the bed with IV fluids attached to your arm.

Your head turned at the sound of the door opening, eyes growing wide to see your boyfriend who was supposed to be on set right now. "Tom? What are you—"

You didn't get a chance to finish your sentence when he rushed to your side and quickly but carefully engulfed you in a hug. "I was so fucking worried," he grumbled, giving your waist a squeeze, burying his face on the crook of your neck as he let out a shaky breath that tickled your skin.

"I'm okay bubba, just a lil overworked," you cooed, pulling him away gently so you can see his face. You frowned when you met his glossed up orbs, brown eyes holding nothing but worry as he looked at you with a pout. "I promise, I'm okay," you reassured, cupping his face as your thumb caressed his cheek sweetly.

"Did you tell him to relax?" you turned to Sarah with a giggle.

"I did," she sighed, shaking her head in pure amusement.

"Which is never a good idea by the way," Tom rushed with a tiny sniffle, shooting Sarah a small glare. "Like don't tell me to relax when you're the one answering my girlfriend's phone because then it'll only make me worry some more."

"You always worry some more even when no one's telling you to relax," you teased, Tom turning back to you with his pout in full play, your palm still warm on his cheek as he leaned into your touch like a cute puppy.

"Well, that's because I love you too much and I don't want anything to happen to you," he hummed, turning his head to give your hand a chaste kiss.

"I know," you giggled, leaning closer so you could capture his lips with yours, missing the feeling of his warmth coating you because it's just been too long, and gosh did you miss him. Tom sighed between the kiss, you responding with a sweet giggle as you whispered,

"I love you too much, too."


Vote & Comment if you enjoyed the story lemme know your thoughts! x

Lovelots, T x

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