Blurb #6

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"That's my ex. Makeout with me and make him jealous."


You felt your heart sink to your stomach once you saw who just walked into the living room. Harrison said he wasn't invited, that's why you came at their house party in the first place, but then why the fuck are you looking right at the face of your ex-boyfriend?

"Shit," you cursed under your breath, rushing to stand up from the couch only to bump into someone. Warm hands holding onto your arms to steady both of you, your eyes were met by familiar brown ones.

"You alright there Y/N?" Tom shot you a concerned smile, his eyes showing nothing but worry, but also puzzled at the troubled look on your face.

You can call him a friend sure, but not that close, just... casual. You knew him through Harrison, you've hung out with their group a few times at pubs and clubs, meet him at a few house parties and that's about it. So imagine the shock on his face when the words left your mouth frantically.

"That's my ex. Makeout with me and make him jealous."

Tom looked at you quizzically at first, messy brows furrowed as if he hadn't heard you correctly. But when he took one glance behind you to see Harrison trying to make a guy leave all while pointing at your direction, everything clicked in his head.

The next thing you felt was his strong arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you swiftly against his body as he pressed his lips against yours. Would it be too cheesy to say that you felt sparks fly the moment his lip touched yours? Probably, but that was exactly what you felt as you let out a gratifying sigh.

Your arms took home around his neck, head tilting to the side for easy access as your lips moved in sync. It was when you pulled at his bottom lip, just a little bit, did Tom felt the heat rise up, a low groan rumbling in his chest as he fully wrapped both arms around you.

Lips parting, your tongues touch, breaths hitching, heads spinning at the taste. His hands ran up and down your back leisurely, feeling you up deliberately that's made goosebumps erupt on your skin. Your fingers got lost in his hair as you explore each other's mouths, kiss deepening by a mile. Despite your bodies already pressed tightly against each other, none of you seemed to think it's enough, feeling like there's still a barrier between you two, and both of you knew what it was.

But remembering where exactly you are, and with your lungs just screaming for some much needed air, you pulled away reluctantly. Both your chests were heaving, desire and fire clear in both your eyes as you try and wrapped you heads around what just happened and how unbelievably good that kiss was.

"Fuck," Tom breaths out, forehead pressed up against yours, arms still wrapped around your form and it looked like he had no plans on letting you go anytime soon.

"What?" you asked softly, bottom lip caught between your teeth, the sight of his swollen pink lips very inviting, and so close that you just want to taste it again.

"You're a really good kisser," he muttered, a shy smile plastered on his face, cheeks a shade of red that's only made him look even cuter, even more irresistible.

"Is that so?," you hummed, a burst of confidence coursing through you as your fingers found its way to play with his hair on the nape of his neck. "You're alright, need a bit more practice though," you added teasingly, Tom letting out a hearty chuckle as his arms tightened around you, shy smile replaced with a knowing smirk.

"Would you mind if I could practice my kissing skills with you? I mean, I would want to learn from the best so..." he offered with a certain twinkle in those brown eyes that's made your heart skip a beat. You shook your head with a giggle, pulling him closer to you again as you whispered,

"No, not at all."

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