Chapter 1

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Yoongi's POV

I wake up to the sound of rain. I look to the right of me and see my son sleeping peacefully. I smile and kiss his forehead.

I still remember the day when I first met him, it was May 15th.


It was 9 p.m, I had just finished my shift at work. All I want to do is sleep, today was rough. I worked part-time at a supermarket while being a full-time student. Some kid decided it would be funny to knock over a whole display of soda and it spilled everywhere. Of course, my boss yelled at me to clean it up. The same kid made another mess with flour, throwing it all over the place. Ugh, it's a day I want to forget.

As I walk to my apartment door, I see a basket with something inside. What? Ugh, probably something the neighbors left me.

As I get closer, I hear a whine. What? Where did that come from? I look towards the basket. It can't be coming from there right? My mind must be playing tricks on me.

I get my keys to unlock my door when I finally decide to look in the basket. What the hell?! Why is there a baby here?!

I looked around to see if anybody was around. I grab the basket and bring it inside. What do I do? Who's baby is this? Why was he in front of my door?

I look inside, he's cute at least. I find a note tucked on his side. Finally, some answers to who's kid this is.

"Yoongi, you probably don't remember me. We met almost a year ago at NB2. We hit it off great and got super drunk. You took me back to your place and things escalated. I left before you woke up. This wasn't supposed to happen this way. I got pregnant. I wanted to tell you but had no way of contacting you. I know I could've gone to your apartment but I got cold feet and put it off. This baby is your son. His name is Min Joon Woo. He was born on May 1st. I thought I could handle being a mother, but I can't. It's too much for me, so that is why I left him with you. I want him to be raised in a home, not an orphanage. Please take care of him for me.


What?! My son? This can't be real, she has to be joking. I'm only 22! I can't take care of a kid! I can barely take care of myself!

I look at him, he's still sleeping. Well, that's good, I have enough time to think. I need to call Tae, he'll know what to do.

Hey. Are you busy? If not can you come to my place ASAP

Yeah. I'll be right over. Is everything okay?

I'll explain everything when you get here. The door is unlocked.

Finally, after 30 minutes, Tae walks in.

"Hey Yoongi, what's wrong?"

"I got a problem Tae, a big problem" I handed him the note that Mira left.

"Wow, so you have a son? That's great! Now you won't be lonely anymore. Let me see him!" Tae says excitedly, running over to the basket.

"What do you mean by great? This is bad! I can't raise a baby. I have no idea what to do! I can hardly take care of myself Tae!"

"Hey, it's okay. You're my best friend, I'll help you raise little Joon Woo here. He's such a cutie and looks just like you Yoongi" he smiles at the baby.

"Wait till the Kim's find out, they'll be so happy! You can set up playdates with them now. He's only a couple months younger than the triplets"

I look at him, "no we are not telling them. Jin will go all crazy, he already has his hands full with the kids, and Namjoon is hardly home because he works too damn much. I don't need to be stressing Jin out more than he already is"

Tae sighs," you're right, I forgot all about that. You can still ask for some advice from them since that have been doing this for 5 months already"

I look at my son, "you're right, I'm gonna need all the help I can get"

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