Chapter 3

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Yoongi's POV

"Man, you gotta get back out there, like start dating again," Taehyung said. I look at, then out the window, "what do you mean? I'm fine with how my life is right now" I smile, looking back at my sleeping son.

Taehyung sighed, "I know you're fine with how it is, but you need more people to hang out with besides me. I do love spending time you guys but I also have a life too, Yoongi"

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Maybe you're right, I'll look into it" I sighed.

"I don't want you to apologize Yoongi, all I'm trying to say is that you need more people to hang out with other than me and your son"

He's right, I do need more people to hang out with. Maybe even find a lover. God knows how long I've been single. I just haven't had the time because I'm so busy with Joon Woo and work.

"Will you help me find someone Tae?" I ask while looking at him.

He smiles, "of course I will. We can set you up a Tinder profile when we get home!"

Jeez, he's really really excited about this. What have I gotten myself into?

•Time Skip•

"Okay, so I already made you a profile. Here it is" he handed me my phone.

"Ugh, Tae. Out of all the pictures you could've chosen from, you had to choose that one? I look like such a nerd!" I yelled.

"Shh, Joon is sleeping, you know how he gets when he's woken from his nap early" he whispered.

Ah yes, he really is my son. He gets all grumpy and acts out if he doesn't get his full nap. Like father, like son. Am I right?

"But anyways, your picture looks fine. Believe it or not, a lot of people go for guys with glasses. Makes them look classier" he said, putting classier in quotations.

"Anyways.... let's start looking. You swipe right if you're interested and swipe left if not. Easy, right?"

I look at him, then back at my phone and nod. I start looking through people's profiles and swipe left.

"Tae, this isn't working. I'm not interested in any of these people" I pout.

"Just keep looking, I'm gonna check on Joon", he gets up and walks away. I kept swiping until I stumbled upon one particular profile, "wow, he's really cute" I thought. I click on it:

Wow, is all I can say. He's gorgeous! I swipe right,

Did we match? What? I get up and run to Tae. I see him cuddling with Joon, who is now awake, "Tae, I matched with this guy named Jimin. What does that mean?" I asked I'm still confused with this whole "Tinder" thing. He looks up at me, "that means he's interested in you too!" He says excitedly, "oh my gosh, you have to message him right now!"

Joon Woo whines, he doesn't like loud noises. "Too loud Taetae" he whispers while pouting.

"Awe, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to be loud" he pouts. Joon looks up at me and grabs my hands, I take him from Tae's hands, "Hey baby, are you hungry now?" I asked.

He nods and cuddles into my neck. I love when he wakes up from his naps, he gets all cuddly. I rub his back and walk towards the kitchen, with Tae in tow, "So are you gonna message him?", Tae asks. I sit Joon Woo down at the table, he pouts and starts whining, grabbing my hands, "baby, I'm just going to make your food, I'll be back okay?"

He continues to whine but I ignore him, I know he'll be happy once there's food in front of him, "yeah I'll do it later today" I tell Tae, while I prepare Joon's food. After I'm done, I place it in front of my whiny baby. He stops and looks at his food and smiles at me cutely, then digs in.

Ugh, why is he so cute?

"Yoongi, you're so lucky to have such a cutie for a baby. It makes me want to have one" Tae pouts. I laughed, "yeah, have you seen him when he doesn't take his daily naps. He's a monster"

We both laughed, remembering the time when Joon missed his nap. That was a crazy day.

"Well, it's time for me to head home. Don't forget to message Jimin!" He yells as he walks out.

I grab my phone and open Tinder, well here goes nothing...

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