Chapter 24

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Taehyung's POV

It's been a couple of months since Jungkook and I started dating. He's been staying over at my place for a while now, and now I think it's time to take it to the next step. I want him to move in with me.

He's coming over today so we can go to dinner, then I'll ask him. I hope he says yes because I'm starting to love him. He's such an amazing guy and treats me like a king.

I look over at the time and see that it's already 5:30 pm. Our dinner reservations are for 7 pm, so I start to get ready. I hop into the shower and take my time.

Once I'm done, I get out and go into my closet and choose an outfit to wear. I look through the many clothes that I have and find the perfect outfit.

Once I'm done getting ready, I hear a knock on the door. I smile and go to open the door. There I see Jungkook standing there holding the most beautiful pink roses. "Happy Anniversary babe," he says as he leans in to kiss me. I smile and kiss him back, "happy anniversary and thank you for the flowers"

I take the flowers from him and put them in a vase. "Are you ready?" He asks. I turn around and look at him, wow he looks amazing

I nod, "yeah let me just grab my keys". I go and grab them, then we head to the restaurant.

•time skip •

We finally make it to the restaurant and head inside, "Hello, we have a reservation for Jeon" Jungkook tells the hostess. She looks in the book of reservations, "Yes if you'll just follow me, I'll take you to your seats" she says as she grabs some menus.

We follow her to our table, "your waiter will be here shortly, enjoy" she smiles and walks away. I look around the restaurant, "you really outdid yourself this time babe" I laugh. He smiles at me, "only the best for you baby" he takes me hand and kisses it. I look down and blush, pulling my hand away.

"Hello, my name is Hoseok and I'll be your waiter today"

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