Chapter 9

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Yoongi's POV

"Daddy, can I come with you?" I hear a small voice whisper. I look behind myself and see Joon Woo standing there pouting with his hands behind his back.

I smile, "no baby, you can't. Only daddies are going, it's not going to be fun for cute babies like you." He runs up to me and hugs my leg, "but daddy, please. I'll be a good boy, I promise" he cries.

I feel so bad, I hate seeing him cry. I crouch down and hug him, "Joon, if I could take you, I would but daddy is going somewhere important and can't take you, okay? Uncle Tae is coming over to watch you while I'm gone, okay?" He sniffles but nods his head. "Don't cry, baby" I say while rubbing his back.

He stops crying once he hears a knock on the door. "That's Tae, you wanna go answer the door?" I ask him. He nods and runs as I follow him. We open the door and see Taehyung with a whole bunch of bags in his hands. "What is all this?" I ask as I let him in. He sets the bags down in the kitchen, "activities to do with Joon, duh" he rolls his eyes like it was the most obvious thing. This kid sometimes...

"Are you ready for your hot date tonight? Where are you taking him?" He asks excitedly. I smile, "I'm taking him to Everland." Tae stares at me, "you never took me to Everland" he pouts. I laugh, "that's cause you never asked. I gotta go or I'm going to be late" I say while looking at the time.

I go and kiss Joon Woo I'm the cheek, "be good for uncle Tae, okay? Daddy will be back soon." He nods his head while pouting. I feel bad but I can't take him with me. I get up and head out the door while saying bye.

•time skip•

I walk up to the cafe and see Jimin sitting on the bench in front. Wow, he looks gorgeous in person. I walk up to him and say hi. He looks up at me and blushes, "Hey Yoongi". I smile and reach my hand out to him, "you ready to go?" I smile at him.

He grabs my hand and we start walking, "Yeah, where are we going anyway?" He asks. I look at him and smile, "Everland".

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