Chapter 26

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Yoongi's POV

Jimin and I have been together for almost six months now. Our sons are inseparable, always wanting to be near each other and cry when one of them has to leave. Joon Woo's Birthday is coming up in a couple of days, and I recently found out Haneul's birthday is a couple of days after. Jimin and I decided to celebrate both birthdays on the same day, to make it easier.

"What should the theme be? Haneul really likes superheroes" Jimin says as we walk down the aisle looking for party supplies, "Joon Woo does too. We can have it, Avengers, these or something like that". I spot the section of Avengers party supplies and look at Jimin, "what do you think?"

Jimin nods his head in agreement and walks towards the section, "I was thinking we get one big sheet cake and a couple of cupcakes, do you think that's a good idea?" I nod, not really paying attention, "whatever you want babe".

He huffs and grabs the party supplies and starts walking away, "I'll call the bakery later to make the order when is the party again?" He asks. "It's May 3rd... are you going to invite Haneul's dad?" I ask.

Jimin shrugs, "I mean if he wants to come, he can. I'm not gonna stop him" we make it to the cashier line and I pay for everything, "Yoongi, I was going to pay for it" Jimin huffs. I laugh, "babe it's fine, just worry about everything else, I'll worry about the money part". He tools his eyes and smiles. We walk towards the car and start putting the stuff in, "what about your, Uh.... friend?" I ask hesitantly. I see Jimin freeze for a little then look at me, "I don't know... I mean him and Jungkook are dating... so he'll most likely bring him if he does decide to come"

Jungkook. Something snaps in my head, "did you just say Jungkook?" I ask quickly. Jimin looks at me shocked, "yeah... why?"

"That's the guy that's dating my best friend. He's dating your friend?" I am confused. Jimin nods, "Ex- friend, but yeah. I should've known he was going to cheat on Hoseok too. Can't seem to keep his dick in his pants" Jimin rolls his eyes and gets in the car. I stand there for a while, I need to call Tae.

I grab my from my pocket and dial his number, "Hello?" Tae answers immediately.

"Hey, you're still with that Jungkook guy?" I ask. He stays quiet as a whole. I check to see if he's still on the phone, "Tae..."

"We're kind of together..." huh? Kind of?

"What do you mean?" I ask confused

"Well, he was cheating on me the whole time, with some waiter. But I love him and I don't wanna leave him. I told him he has to make a choice between me and the other guy"

So he does know. "Why didn't you call me Yoongi? Is something wrong with Joon Woo?" He asked worriedly. I chuckle, "no, nothing is wrong, I just wanted to call you to tell you about Jungkook, but it seems like you already know". He laughs, "yeah I found out last night. Anyways when is Joon Woo's party?" He asks

"Well, we're celebrating Haneul's and Joon Woo's together since they're only a couple of days apart. It's on May 3rd though."

"Okay, I'll be there and be prepared to see a huge gift for him"

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