Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

Today is the day for my date with Yoongi. I'm super excited about it. I search through my closet and find the perfect outfit. He said it was nothing fancy, to dress casually.

I call you Jungkook to make sure he remembers to pick up Haneul later today. He picks up after the 5th ring,


"Hey Jungkook, please don't forget to pick up your son at 5:30 today"

"Why?" Did he really ask why? I roll my eyes,

"Because Jungkook, if you must know, I have a date tonight. I've told you this last week and you agreed to have him this weekend" I sigh. This guy really gets on my nerves. He's lucky we have a kid together or I would've cut him off a long time ago.

"Oh right, I forgot. You don't have anybody else to watch him? I'm kinda busy this weekend" he said. That's it!

"Jungkook, you literally said you'll take him last week! If you had plans, you should've told me sooner! Your son hasn't seen you in 2 weeks and he's really excited to see you today. You are coming to get him at 5 and that's final. I don't care what plans you have tonight, cancel them!" I hang up and throw my phone on the bed.

I'm honestly so done with him. He always does this to Haneul and it breaks my heart. Haneul is always excited to see Jungkook and literally waits by the door for him. When Jungkook never shows up, he cries and wonders why his daddy doesn't love him anymore.

He better not do that today, or I'm going to kill him. I go to Haneul's room and see him trying to read a book. I smile as I watch him, why is my baby so cute? What did I do to deserve such a sweet boy?

He finally notices I'm there, "can you read this book for me, please?" He asked cutely. I nod and walk over to his bed. I grab the book, "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf". Of course this book, it's his all-time favorite.

After I finish reading, I look down and see him sleeping. I get up and kiss his forehead, "I love you baby", I walk out and go to my room to grab my phone. I look at the time and realize I've got an hour before Jungkook comes.

I go back to Haneul's room and start packing his bag for the weekend. 30 minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I hope that's Jungkook.

I go and open the door and standing there is Jungkook with a mad face, "I hope you're happy. I had to cancel a very important thing today"

"So whatever you had to do is more important than your son?" I ask. He stays quiet and walks into the living room. I roll my eyes and walk to Haneul's room.

He's awake, rubbing his eyes. "Baby, daddy is here to come to get you. You're staying at his house all weekend. Are you excited?" I ask him.

He gets up out of bed and smiles, "daddies here?" He runs to the living room and jumps into Jungkook's arms, "Daddy! I missed you so much! Did you miss me?" He asks excitedly.

Jungkook nods and gets up with Haneul in his arms, "do you have his stuff so I can go?"

Ugh, what's his problem? "Yeah, it's right here", I hand him Haneul's bag and he walks out the door without saying a word. Wow, he must be really mad about canceling whatever he had to do.

I look at the time,  6 o'clock, I run to get ready.

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