Chapter 7

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Yoongi's POV

Oh god, why did I do that? I think I asked him out too early. It's been an hour since I asked and I haven't gotten a reply yet. I was really freaking out about this. I've grown to like Jimin, even though we only talked through text messages.

I need to take this off my mind. I walk into Joon Woo's room, seeing him play with his toys, "Hey baby, do you want to go shopping today?" He looks up at me with big eyes, "am I getting new toys?"

I smile, "of course. We can buy you as many toys as you want". He gets up and runs to get his shoes, "is uncle Tae coming with us, daddy?"

"I can call and see" he nods and waits on the couch.

I take my phone out and see that I got a text from Jimin. I stare at the text... HE SAID YES! I tell him the details on our date and he agrees. After, I call Tae and ask if he wants to come shopping with us. He agreed and said he'll meet us at the mall.

•Time Skip•

We enter the mall and walk towards the area Taehyung said he was going to be at. Once we see him, Joon Woo runs up to him and hugs his legs. Tae smiles and picks him up, "Hey Joon, I missed you so much. Did you miss me?" He asks while kissing all over Joon Woo's face.

Joon giggles and nods his head, "I missed you a lot uncle Tae" Tae smiles, "I'm glad you did. Are you ready to go shopping?" Joon nods and says he wants to be put down. He grabs my head and we start walking.

"You'll never guess who texted me," I said. Tae looks at me, "your lover boy?". I nod, "he finally said yes to my date. I was getting worried when he didn't reply"

Tae laughs, "you're always a nervous wreck". It's true, ever since Joon Woo came into my life, I've been nervous about everything. When someone doesn't reply to me within 30 minutes, I start to worry. It's pretty weird, but I guess all parents have that.

We walked into the toy store and my son's eyes went big. He lets go of my hands and runs towards the stuffed animal's section. Tae taps my shoulder, "Hey, Jin and Namjoon are here with their kids. We should go say hi." They are near the section where Joon is, so I agree. "Hey guys, we haven't seen you in so long!" Tae exclaims as he hugs them both.

Jin smiles and hugs him back, then hugs me. "Oh my gosh, you guys! How have you been? Where's Joon Woo?" He starts looking around and spots him trying to grab the monkey stuffy. He runs up to him and whisks him away in his arms. "Hey, baby Joon. I missed you so much!" He snuggles and kisses all over my son's face.

Joon Woo giggles and tries to push Jin's face away, "stop Jinnie!" He yells happily.

Ugh, my son is so cute. Jin finally puts him down and he runs up to Namjoon, making grabby hands. Namjoon picks him up and kisses his cheeks, "Hey buddy". Joon smiles at him, then asks to be put down. He immediately starts playing with the triplets, and the adults catch up.

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