Chapter 23

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Jimin's POV

I sigh once Jungkook leaves. I can't believe he had the nerve to bring Hoseok here with him. I turn and start picking up Haneul's toys as I wait for Yoongi to get here.

After a while, I hear a knock on the door. I smile and run to open it. Yoongi is standing there with flowers in his hand, roses, and sunflowers.

"Hey, I got these for you. Thought you might like them" he says and kisses me. I smile, "they're beautiful Yoongi, thank you". I give him a peck and walk away to find a vase.

"So where's Haneul?" He asks, sitting on the couch. I finish cutting the stems of the flowers and put them in a vase, "oh, he's with his dad. Figured since you're kid-free, I should be too"

He laughs, "smart idea. What do you wanna do? Wanna grab some food?" I nod, "yeah let me just grab my phone and wallet". I hear him scoff, "babe I'm paying, you don't need your wallet"

I laugh, "oh you got it like that, Mr. Min?" He pulls me towards him and kisses me, "of course I do baby. I always got it like that" we both laugh, "Okay big shot, I'm still going to bring it though, just in case" I grab my things and we head out the door.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asks as we get into his car. I think so a while, "there's this new place I wanna try. It looks pretty good"

"I know what you're talking about. Okay we'll head there"

We head to the little bistro on the other side of town. "Wow, it's pretty packed. It must be really popular" I hear Yoongi say. He parks the car and we head towards the long line waiting to get into the restaurant.

We wait for about 10 minutes until I see someone familiar, "Hey is that Jin?" I ask Yoongi, pointing towards the couple upfront.

"Yeah..... I thought he was watching Joon Woo. Hey Seokjin!" Yoongi yells, catching Jin's attention. Jin smiles and waves aggressively, "Hey guys! Come up with us!"

We hear people groaning as we walk towards the front of the line where Jin and Namjoon are, "Seokjin, where is my son at?" Yoongi asks, annoyed. "Oh, he's with the triplets at my parent's house. He's fine Yoongi" he waves his hand off at Yoongi.

"It would've been nice if you told me, you know. What are you guys doing here anyway?"

Jin looks at Namjoon, "Well, Mr. Kim here got made another business deal that was successful, so I thought we'd celebrate with an early dinner"

"Wow, congrats Namjoon," I say. He blushes, "Thank you. Seokjin, it's not that big of a deal, stop bragging about it" Namjoon laughs.

"It is a big deal Joon! I'm going to brag about it for a long time. Anyways have you heard from Taehyung, Yoongi? I haven't spoken to him in a while"

Yoongi was about to answer until the waiter came and seated us. We order our drinks and appetizers and continue our conversation, "yeah, I was with him a couple of days ago. Probably haven't heard from him since he's got a new boyfriend" young says

"He's got a new boyfriend? Good for him. He finally left that low life a guy?"

The waiter comes with our back with our drinks and appetizer and we order our entrees. Yoongi laughs, "Yeah, I hated that guy. I knew he was bad for him but you know Tae, he never listen"

Seokjin rolls his eyes, "of course, like always. What's this new guy's name?

Yoongi scratches his head, "I actually forgot. I know it starts with a J though"


Sorry for the crappy chapter

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