Chapter 20

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Jimin's POV

I haven't spoken to Hoseok since that day at work. He's been trying to call me ever since, but I can't stand him right now. I knew Jungkook was cheating on me, I just wouldn't have thought it was with my best friend.

Haneul keeps asking when you see Hobi and his dad, but I honestly don't want him to see them. I know it's wrong but I'm so hurt by them.

"Daddy, when can I see Daddy JK again? I miss him" Haneul asks

"Do you really wanna see him, baby?" I ask him, hoping he'll change his mind.

He nods his head, "Yes daddy, I miss him a lot"

I sigh, "okay, I'll call him and see if he's busy"

I grab my phone off the counter and call Jungkook. It rings for a while until someone actually picks up, "Hello?"

It doesn't sound like Jungkook...

"Hoseok?" I ask, annoyed

"Um... yes. Is there something you need from Jungkook?" He asks

"Yes, It regards his son, please put him on the phone," I say. I'm so annoyed with this situation.

"What is it, Jimin?" I hear Jungkook ask

"Cut the attitude okay? Haneul wants to see you, are you free anytime?"

He sighs, "I can get him today, I guess. Is he spending the night?"

"Do you want to spend the night at his house, Haneul?" He nods his head excitedly, "can I daddy! Please!!"

"Yes he's spending the night," I tell Jungkook

He sighs again. What the hell is his problem?

"I'll pick him up at 30, pack his stuff," he says then hangs up the phone.

Is he really annoyed that his son wants to spend time with him? I can't believe this guy.

I pick up Haneul, "c'mon, let's go back a bag for your dad's house"

When we finish packing his bag, there's a knock on the door, "that must be your dad, let's go" I grab his bag and head downstairs. I open the door and see Jungkook with an annoyed look, I see Hoseok sitting in the car. "Is he ready?" Haneul runs up to him and hugs his leg, "daddy! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too buddy," Jungkook says with no emotion.

"Jungkook, please take care of him. If anything happens to him, I'll burn you alive, do you hear me?" I tell him

"Yes, Jimin. Jeez, calm down a little. I know how to take care of my own son, you know"

He picks up Haneul and walks towards his car, "bye daddy! See you tomorrow" Haneul yells as he blows kisses to me. I smile and wave at him, "bye baby, have fun"

I wait for them to leave and close the door. I walk towards my phone and call Yoongi,

"Hey, are you free?"

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