Chapter 18

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Yoongi's POV

My weekend with Jimin was great. I hope we get to do it again soon. Joon Woo seems to really like him and Haneul, which is good. He wouldn't stop talking about them after they left.

I'm cuddling in bed with Joon Woo when my phone rings. I grab it and see that Taehyung is calling me, "Hey Tae" I say

"Hey Yoongi, are you busy today? I was thinking we should go out to lunch and maybe go to the park after? You know, so Joon Woo can play.." I look at the time, 11:15 a.m, "yeah that sounds good, what time?" I ask

"12:30 sound good?" I nod, forgetting that he can't see me, "Yeah sounds great, see you then" we hang up after he tells me the place we're eating at and I start to get ready for the day, I'll let Joon Woo sleep a little longer since he gets grumpy most of the time.

I get Joon Woo's outfit ready and head back into my room to get mine. I look at the time and it's already 11:45. I get on the bed and lean towards him, kissing his cheeks, "it's time to get up baby" I whisper. He groans and pushes my face away, "no daddy..." he whines

"C'mon baby, we're gonna see Uncle Tae. Don't you want to see him?" I ask. He nods his head and slowly starts getting up, "let's go brush your teeth and that hair of yours."

We head to the bathroom and start doing our morning routine. After we head back into the room and get dressed.

It's now 12:15 and we head out to the restaurant Tae told me.

•time skip•

We finally make, after stopping a few times because Joon Woo was getting tired from walking, typical. I spot Tae already sitting inside, smiling at his phone. "What's got you all smiley?" I asked, putting Joon Woo in a booster seat. He jumps, almost dropping his phone, "Jesus, Yoongi. Warm a guy next time before you walk upon them" he says dramatically, putting a hand on his chest. I laugh, "sorry Tae, but seriously, who's got you smiling like that" he blushes and looks at me, "I met someone the other day at work..."

"Wow, I'm happy for you Tae. Who is he?" I ask again. He was about to answer but the waiter came asking if we were ready to order. We order our food and I hand Joon Woo my phone so he wouldn't be bored while Tae and I talk.

"Well, his name is Jungkook..."

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