Chapter 11

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Yoongi's POV

Jimin and I are walking around the park. We rode basically all the rides, except the Ferris wheel. He wanted to do that last, said something about it being more romantic at night. "Hey, are you hungry?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles, "yeah, I'll pay this time though".

I laugh, "No Jimin. I asked you on the date, so I'll pay for our food." He pouts, "but you already spend too much money on tickets, please let me do this". Ugh, he's so cute, I just want to kiss him. "Jimin, it's fine. I got it" I smile at him.

We head to the food court and get in line to order. "What are you getting?" I ask. He looks at the menu for a while, "maybe some pizza or chicken tenders and fries" he says. We placed our order and I paid for the food, much to Jimin's protest.

We sat down with our foods, "so... how did you like our first date?" I asked. He smiles, "I had fun today, thank you Yoongi. We should do this again sometime". He continues eating and I just stare at him. He's the most beautiful human being in the world.

He notices me staring and blushes, "you know, it's rude to stare at someone while they're eating". Now it's my turn to blush, "sorry" I say and finish eating.

•time skip•

We're now waiting in line to get on the Ferris wheel. I see him shivering a little, as the temperature has dropped some. I wrap my arm around him to keep him warm. He looks at me for a little but nuzzles closer to me.

It's finally our turn to go into the cart. We get in and sit next to each other. He grabs my hand and looks out the window. I look at our connected hands and blush. "Hey Jimin..." I begin to say.

He looks back at me, waiting for me to finish what I was saying, but I never did. I went in for a kiss. He was surprised at first but continued to kiss me back.

I pull away, putting our foreheads together, "Jimin, be my boyfriend"

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