Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

After setting Haneul in his seat, I go sit in the driver's seat. Hoseok looks back at Haneul, "Hey Hani" he smiles. Haneul looks up at him, "hi uncle Hobi" he says excitedly. I smile while looking at Haneul in the mirror and start driving.

"Hey, babe..." Hoseok says hesitantly. I look at him for a few seconds, "yeah?"

"Who's Taehyung?" I freeze for a little, "oh it's my cousin, you know the one that lives in Daegu?"

He stays quiet for a few minutes, it's the most awkward silence ever, "you never told me about that cousin... and if he's your cousin why is there a kissy emoji next to his name? And why do you keep calling him babe?"

He keeps firing questions at me, I need to come up with answers fast.

"He's my favorite cousin, and why are you going through my phone? Ever heard of privacy" I scoff at him.

He looks at me then down at his lap, "please take me home..."

"Are you serious? I thought we were gonna go see a toy story with Haneul?" I ask him

Haneul's head perks up, "toy story? I wanna see!" He yells excitedly

Hoseok looks back at him, "you are Hani, your daddy is going to take you" he looks back at me, "take me home Jungkook, now"

I sigh, "I don't know why you're acting like this, Hoseok. It's really not that big of a deal in all honesty. I never once went through your phone, so what makes you think you can go through mine?"

He looks at me in disbelief, "I think you're lying about Taehyung being your cousin... he keeps messaging you asking about a date.... what cousin takes their cousin on a date?"

We pull up at Hoseok apartment, "families are different Hoseok. In my family, we call it a date when we want to see each other"

Hoseok shakes his head, "whatever Jungkook, I'll see you later I guess" he says as he walks out the car.

I watch him enter his apartment and look back at Haneul, who's been quiet this whole ride, "it looks like it's just you and me buddy"

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