Chapter 17

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Jimin's POV

This past weekend was amazing. Spending time with Yoongi and getting to know each other more was great. Not to mention Haneul had a blast with Joon Woo, he didn't want to leave last night and was crying his little eyes out.

Now it's Monday and I'm dreading it because I have to go to work. I really don't want to go because I know Hoseok is going to be there. I have no idea how to handle this. I know Jungkook and I aren't together, but it still hurts knowing that Hoseok didn't even think about telling me, and to tell Haneul to keep a secret from me? That's so wrong.

I sigh as I finally get up from the bed. I go to Haneul's room and find him already awake, reading his book. At least trying to read, "Hey babe, you're up early. Let's go eat breakfast and get you ready for daycare, daddy has to go to work today" I say to him, getting his clothes ready for the day.

He runs to the kitchen and sits in his seat, "I want ten pancakes, daddy!" He yells excitedly. He's definitely Jungkook's son. "You can't eat ten pancakes, you'll explode!" I laugh when his facial expression changes, "I don't want to explode! I'll get one then" he giggles. Gosh, he's so cute.

After breakfast, I get Haneul ready and brush out his hair, "there! All done and looking cute as ever" I say, kissing his cheeks. "Daddy stop!" He giggles while pushing my face away. "I'm sorry baby, you just look so cute!"

•time skip•

I dropped Haneul off at daycare and headed towards the dance studio. I really don't want to see Hoseok. Hopefully, he doesn't come today. I walk inside and set up the room for the lesson. Soon after, Hoseok walks in, "Hey Chim! How are you this morning" He asks.

"I'm fine," I say and continue to work. "What did you do this weekend? I haven't seen you in like a week. I miss hanging out with you" he says. I laugh silently, "nothing, can you stop talking to me? I'm trying to concentrate on this choreo right now, and I don't have time to talk" I tell him.

"What's your problem? Why are you acting like an ass?" He asks angrily. I stop and look at him, "what's my problem? My problem is YOU!" I say poking my finger at his chest.

"I'm your problem? What the hell did I do to you? I haven't seen you in like a week" He says. "I know about you and Jungkook..."

He looks shocked, "what are you talking about? I'm not with Jungkook" he says nervously. "Cut the crap Hoseok, I know you guys are dating, Haneul told me, and you even told him to keep it a secret. How are you going to tell my son to keep a secret from me? How long have you and Jungkook been together?" I ask.

When Haneul told me about them, I started to wonder if Hoseok was the person Jungkook cheated on me with. I really hope he wasn't. "Why....?" He asks.

"Please answer it, Hoseok" I plead.

"6 months....." he says while looking away.

Jungkook and I broke up a month ago...

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