Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

I'm still upset that I had to cancel my date tonight because of Jimin. Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but I really wanted to go on this date. Haneul and I are sitting in my living room, watching some weird cartoon. I'm not really paying attention to it, too busy playing on my phone.

I was just about to text him until he called me. I answer, "Hey babe" I smile into the phone. "Hey, is it alright if I come over? I know Haneul is there but I really wanted to see you tonight." I look at Haneul, he's invested into this show. Hopefully, he doesn't mind, "Yeah, sure, I'll see you in a few. I'm just going to take him a bath, the door will be unlocked" I say and hang up.

I turn towards Haneul, "Hey buddy, let's go take a bath, it's getting late" he looks up at me and pouts "but daddy...." he starts to whine, "no Haneul. We're going to take you a bath now and if I hear you whine again, you're going straight to bed. You understand?" I say in a stern voice. I can see tears in his eyes as he nods and starts walking towards the bathroom. I don't mean to be a bad guy but Jimin lets him get away with almost everything and he thinks he can act the same way around me. I'm not going to let that happen here.

I walk to the bathroom and see him sitting on the toilet, wiping his eyes, "why are you crying?" I ask. "You yelled at me..." he pouts, still wiping his eyes. I sigh, "I didn't yell at you. You started whining for no reason at all because I said it was bath time. I'm not your other dad to let you do whatever you want. There are rules, Haneul" I say. He nods while looking down.

When I finished taking him a bath, we walked to his room and got his pajamas out. After I get him dressed we walk into the living room to see him sitting there.

"Uncle Hobi? What are you doing here?" Haneul asks. I start panicking because I know he's going to tell Jimin as soon as he gets home. I guess Hoseok saw my face, "Hey Hanni, I'm just here to see your daddy, okay? Don't tell daddy Jimin I was here, okay? If you don't tell him, I'll buy you lots of toys and candy" he smiles. Haneul's eyes got big, "Okay, uncle Hobi! I won't tell daddy at all, I promise!" He says excitedly.

Hoseok stands up and smiles at me, "there. Everything is all better now" he kisses me in the lips. I really hope Haneul keeps his promise and doesn't tell Jimin about this.

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