Chapter 5

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Yoongi's POV

A couple of weeks has passed since messaging Jimin. We had finally exchanged numbers after a week of talking on Tinder.

"Daddy? Can we go to the park? I'm bored", Joon Woo says.

I look at him and smile, "of course baby. Let's find you a sweater first, it's kind of chilly out."

I get up and head into his room. I walk in to see a mess, ugh this kid sometimes. I'll worry about it later.

I grab a sweater and go back to the living room to see Joon Woo sitting cutely on the sofa. "Come here baby" I smile.

He runs up to me and grabs his sweater to put it on, "can we go now?"

I nodded and headed out the door with him.

As we enter the park, he gets excited and runs towards the slide, "be careful" I yell out as I find the closet bench. I sit down and take out my phone,

Hey Jimin :)

Hey, what's up? :)

Nothing much, just at the park. You?

Haha, the park? Why? And nothing really just finished a new choreo for my class.

Uhh... Just enjoying the scenery lol and really that's cool

It's not that I'm ashamed of my son, I just don't want to scare Jimin away. I sort of developed feelings for him after 2 weeks of texting.

I'll let him know eventually, just not now. I look and see my son talking to another little boy, at least he's making friends.

He runs towards me with the boy in tow, "daddy, can he come to my house and play with me? Please daddy!" He asks excitedly. "If his daddy or mommy says okay, then it's fine by me" I smile, they jump and scream but the boy stops after a while, "but my daddy is at home, my uncle came with me to the park" he pouts. Wow, he's a cutie.

"I can ask your uncle to ask your daddy. Where is he?" I stand up and follow the little boys running to the other side of the park. I see a man sitting there looking at his phone. "Hey", he jumps and looks up, "Hey, can I help you?", he asks.

"Uh, my son took a liking to your nephew and wants to know if you can text his dad and see if it's okay for him to come over for a little play date. You can come too if you're not too comfortable with him going alone" I ask, he smiles "yeah, I'll ask his dad now"

As he called the boy's dad, I looked away towards the 2 boys playing. I smile at them, I'm happy Joon Woo is making friends and having fun.

"Hey, his dad said it was fine for him to go over, he just wants to to be there," he says

"Yeah I totally understand, I wouldn't want my kid to go to a complete stranger's house" I laugh.

We call the boys and start heading towards my house, "Hey, I never got your name anyways" I said.

"Oh sorry, it's Hoseok. Yours?"

"Yoongi", I smile.

He looks at me weird then whips his phone out,

Hm, weird. Anyways we're back at my place. I open the door and the boys run in and straight to Joon's room.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask as I take off my shoes.

"No I'm fine, thanks" he smiles. "I know this is weird but do you have an Instagram by any chance?" He asks

"Uh yeah, it's MinYoongs"

"Okay great, I followed you," He says.

"Cool, I'll follow later. Wanna watch a movie?"

He nods and walks to the living room.

Man, this guy is weird, but at least my son made a friend today.

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