Chapter 19

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  Taehyung's POV

The restaurant is packed, I've been running around all night. I sigh, it's tough being a waiter. I walk around handing people their food with a smile. I go to the back and sigh. I've been working for 10 hours already, we're so understaffed. So I've been picking up the shifts.

I walk back out with plates of foods in my hand. I walk to this one table and I see a couple there. I set their plates down and one of the guys is staring intently at me. I smile, "enjoy your meal. Do you need anything else?"

"Can we have more breadsticks and can I get another refill?" The other guy asked.

I nod, "of course, I'll be right back" I head to the back and grab breadsticks and another drink. I go back to their table and only see one of the guys there, "here you go sir" I say, putting the items down.

"Thanks... what's your name?" He asks.

"It's Taehyung, sir" I answer

"I'm Jungkook. I couldn't help but notice how handsome you are, so you mind if I ask for your number?" He asks. I look at him confused. Isn't he on a date?

"I'm sorry, isn't the person you're with your date?"

He laughs, "my date? No, he's my cousin. He's in town for a couple of days and we just decided to eat here"

Oh, how can I just assume that their dating? Silly me. "Oh sorry for that. Yeah, I'll give you my number" I smile and write down my number on a napkin, "here you go, cutie" I hand him the napkin, "thanks babe, I'll text you later" he smiles and stuffs the napkin him his pants.

His cousin returns, "thanks for the refill" he smiles at me. "No problem," I say and I walk away from them.

•time skip•

It's finally closing time. I worked a total of 16 hrs today and I'm exhausted. I get into my car and check my phone. I see that I got a text from an unknown number:

Hey, it's Jungkook

Delivered at 9:15 pm

I save the number as "Cutie" and reply,

Hey cutie :)     

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