Chapter 2

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Jimin's POV

"I can't believe you've done this to me again Jungkook!" I yelled. I just found out that he had cheated on me for the third time.

"Why would you do this to me? Am I not good enough for you?!" I ask. He stares at me with a sad expression, "It just happened Jimin. We've been so busy, I got lonely and it just happened. I'm sorry"

"I want you to get out..." I whispered


"I want you to pack your things and leave, please"

"What about Haneul? What are we going to tell him?" He asked.

"The truth, that his daddies are not together anymore" I looked away, wiping my tears.

"I'll go pack my things" he walked into our room.

I can't believe he's done this again. I was dumb enough to take him back the first two times because I didn't want our son to be raised in two different homes, but this was that last straw. I couldn't handle it anymore, I broke down crying again.

Why did he do this again? Was his family not worth it? Did he not care about us anymore? I know I've been busy, but it was because I've been taking care of Haneul. If Jungkook did half the things I did with our son, he would understand why I've been so busy.

Haneul is a lot to handle. He's only 3 but acts like an old man. Throwing temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, making huge messes, and biting people when they tell him something. It's a lot for a 22-year-old can handle.

We adopted Haneul when he was just a baby. Jungkook and I have been together for 6 years before we finally decided to start a family. Once we saw Haneul, we fell in love immediately. After a couple of months of having Haneul, Jungkook started growing distant.

There are times where he would come home late, never helping with Haneul when I needed him.

I wouldn't see him for days. I had my suspicions, but I didn't want to assume anything. One day I finally confronted him when I saw a hickey on his neck.


"What the hell is that Jungkook?!" I screamed. Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about. You're seeing things again Jimin"

"I'm not crazy! Why do you have a hickey on your neck?! Are you cheating on me?!"

"What hickey? There's no hickey! You're crazy!" He yelled back.

"Jungkook, I'm not stupid. I see it right there!" I cried, pointing at his neck.

His expression changed after he realized that I caught him, "I'm sorry Jimin. It just happened, I didn't mean too"

I broke down, "why Jungkook? Just answer me that question" I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"It just happened Jimin, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just so stressed out, I had to get away" he explains.

"Do you not think I'm stressed either? I'm 20 years old with a baby and a full-time student. I'm stressed the hell out, but I don't go ahead and cheat on you. That's a bullshit excuse" I shake my head. I can't believe he used "stress" as an excuse.

"It won't happen again Jimin, I promise" he hugged me.

•End of Flashback•

Right then and there, I should've broken up with him, but I loved him too much and didn't want our son to be raised like that. I look at the time and sigh, 2:15 p.m. Haneul should be coming home now.

Jungkook walks out the room with his bags, "Well I'm all packed, I'll wait for Haneul to get home and say goodbye" I nod and look away.

I can't stand to look at him.

There's a knock on the door and Jungkook opens it. My best friend Hoseok comes in with Haneul in tow, "DADDY" he yells and runs up to Jungkook.

He smiles and picks him up, "he buddy, how was school?" Haneul giggles, "It was so much fun! We read a new book today but I forgot the name of it"

I say hello to Hoseok and grab Haneul from Jungkook. I see Hoseok and Jungkook give each other these weird looks, but I don't think much of it.

"Haneul, daddy, and I have to tell you something," I said to him. He looks at me with his big eyes "what?"

Jungkook steps in, "papa and I are not together anymore. Daddy has to leave to a new house, but you can come with me if you want or you can stay with papa"

Haneul starts to cry, "but why do you have to go? Why can you stay here with me?"

Jungkook looks at me with a sad expression, silently asking for help. I look away. This is his own problem.

"Papa and I don't love each other anymore, and it'll be weird if we stay in the same house. I'm not gone forever buddy, you can still see me. Do you want to come live with me or stay with papa?"

Haneul looked at Jungkook, then at me, "I want to stay with papa"

Jungkook looks down and sighs, "okay, you can come visit me whenever you want, okay? Just let daddy know" he grabs his things and leaves.

Hoseok sighs, "Hey Jimin, I'm sorry this happened again. It'll get better" he pats my back then leaves.

I look at Haneul, "it looks like it's just you and me bud."

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