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That's what Julieta Mia Suárez felt as she sat in the dark questioning room. It was as if she stuck her hands into a pile of snow and kept them there until she could no longer feel them. Only now, it was as if she had jumped into a swimming pool of freezing snow. And she could no longer feel anything at all.

"Were you and Marina close?"

The brunette glanced at her lawyer who was sitting in the corner of the room before shrugging her shoulders at the detective. "She was my best friend's sister. She was always around."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Julieta pursed her lips before hesitantly shaking her head. "No. No we weren't close."

The blonde detective-- who seemed to always have her hair in a ponytail-- quickly wrote the information down before looking back at the sixteen year old girl. She noticed that unlike the other teenagers she had already questioned, Julieta seemed calm. Well not calm per say, but more so casual. As if she had just found out that her car had been stolen but knew daddy's money would just pay for a new one. Almost at peace. Not the type of reaction someone would  normally have to being a suspect for a murder.

"Is there a particular reason as to why you weren't close?"

"Let me save you some time, detective." Julieta sneered, leaning her crossed arms against the cold metal table. She didn't like how the detective was looking at her. Almost as if the woman had already made up her mind that Julieta was guilty. "I didn't murder her."

"How can I be so sure?"

"Because." The brunette casually leaned back again. "Marina was a selfish bitch. She ruined everyone's lives. Everything she touched turned to ashes but she didn't care as long as she got what she wanted in the end. I hated her. I wanted her out of my life. But I didn't kill her."



"Miss Julieta?"

Julieta groaned as she heard the constant thumping on her bedroom door. The sixteen year old huffed before covering her face with the thick silk blanket her mother had bought from Milan a few summers ago. 

"Miss. Julieta? Your mother is waiting for you in the kitchen. She said you're going to be late for school."

Julieta slightly lifted her head from her pillow. "Tell her my body has bonded with my bed on a personal level and it will take an army to get me out."

The maid from outside the door, Esther, rolled her eyes at the young girl's silliness, having gotten accustomed to it from the many years of working for the Suárez family. "The cook made blueberry pancakes."

The brunette inside the room opened one of her eyes. "With whipped cream?"

"Just as you like it." Esther grinned. There was slight shuffling from inside the room for a moment before the door opened revealing a messy haired, crumpled nightgown and fluffy blue slippers wearing teenager.

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now