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The group of teens huddled around their best friend, almost making a protective shield around him to block out unwanted stares from students around them.

Ander and Julieta sat on either side of Guzmán while Lu sat behind him on a table, rubbing his shoulders affectionately. Carla and Polo stood together beside the group.

The Suárez girl rubbed her friend's arm sympathetically as he covered his face with his hands. The boy's father had been arrested not even 24 hours ago and was being accused for embezzling public funds, bribery and criminal negligence.

As much as Julieta hated to admit it, she wasn't all that surprised. She knew the rich were almost always involved in sketchy business in order to remain at the top of the hierarchy. Even more so the Nunier's.

Guzmán sighed and looked around at his friends. "It's okay. It's only pretrial detention. We pay bail and he's released."

"And how much is it?" Asked Lu as she continued to rub his shoulders.

"Three hundred thousand." In unison, the group's eyes go wide as they heard this. It was a lot of money to pay for someone who was just merely being 'accused'. It seemed like the police had more evidence to prove Ventura Nunier guilty than they were leading on. "We pay this afternoon."

Polo raised his eyebrows at his friend. "And the trial?"

"It doesn't matter. They've got nothing." Julieta couldn't help but feel as if her friend was stating this more to reassure himself rather than actually stating a fact. She could tell how much this whole situation was taking a tole on him.

"Then why did they accuse him?" Ander asked making the brunette look over Guzmán's shoulder and give him a look, telling him to shut up.

"I don't know, Ander!" Guzmán snapped. "Shit, I don't know! Some judge wanted to be on the news? No fucking idea!" It was silent for a moment before Guzmán exhaled loudly. "But they have nothing on him, okay? They have no proof." The boy looked over at Carla who was fiddling with the ring on her finger, something she always did when she was anxious. "At least that's what your father says, Carla..."

It wasn't long after first period when Julieta found herself walking to soccer practice. Only when she spotted the new teammate in her position did she remember that she was benched and couldn't play.

The brunette sighed and flopped down on a nearby wooden bench, watching the team from afar. She was allowed to keep attending but Julieta wouldn't be able to stand watching blondie smirk in her direction all through practice. Julieta knew she'd just end up in another fight with the girl and face even bigger consequences. 

Her attention was stolen when someone sat next to her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the gloomy, grey hoodie wearing guy next to her. "Omar?" She raised her eyebrows at him. "What are you doing here?"

The boy shrugged. "Business...I guess."

"Well you better be careful with your 'business' around here." Julieta mocked using air quotes with her fingers. "It's very easy to get caught."

"Why? Because I don't fit the rich kid role?"

"No, because you're the only one not wearing a school uniform." Omar seemed to realize this too and a small blush rose up to his cheeks. "But don't worry, if you get caught, you can count on me."

The boy raised his eyebrows at her. "And how would you do that?"

Julieta nudged his arm with a teasing grin. "I'll just say you're my delivery boy." Omar rolled his eyes at that. "I mean, it's technically not a lie. You are delivering. Just to other people...and it's drugs--"

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now