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"Why are we doing this again?" Carla groaned and fiddled with her headband for the fifth time in the span of fifteen minutes

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"Why are we doing this again?" Carla groaned and fiddled with her headband for the fifth time in the span of fifteen minutes.

Lu rolled her eyes, nudging the brunette next to her when she noticed her picking at her dress. "How many times do I have to tell you? Estrella Morente is going to be here and she never goes to parties. Ever. So this is the only opportunity I have of meeting her and getting her autograph-- Julieta for the love of God, can you cut that out?!"

Julieta grimaced. "I'm sorry but the thong you made me wear is riding up my ass crack. I think you got me a size too small."

Carla giggled before using her purse to cover Julieta's ass from view, allowing the girl to UN-wedgie herself. As she did so, the blonde turned back to Lu. "Is there a reason as to why she never goes to parties?"

"Estrella only goes to elite parties or events. For this one, only people with a personal invite from the host are allowed in. It's kind of like a golden ticket kind of deal. My father got invited to one last year, but of course, with my luck, the year he doesn't get one Estrella Morente is attending."

"Okay, then why are we dressed up like bougie penguins?" Julieta piped up after smiling gratefully at Carla.

"It's a black and white party. Don't worry, everyone inside will be wearing the same thing."

Lu went to take a step forward when Julieta quickly stopped her. "Wait, who has the biggest bra size out of us?"


"So that we can stuff anything made out of diamonds in there and sneak out with them when we're done."

Carla snapped her fingers at the girl, agreeing with her idea while Lu rolled her eyes. Lu grabbed their arms and dragged them towards the entrance. "Shit." She cursed, noticing the security guard blocking the entrance. "Alright, act like we're meant to be here."

In unison, the three teens straightened their posture and made their way over to the entrance with wide, yet snobby, smiles on their faces. However, before they could even think about going in, the security guard held his suit covered arm out to stop them in their tracks.

"Names." His deep monotone voice demanded. Julieta couldn't help but get a little intimidated by his tall and buff frame. The girl was average height but next to him she looked like a nine year old.

Lu dramatically scoffed. "Did he just ask me for my name?!"

"I think he did!" Julieta gasped and glared at the man.

"Do you know who I am?!"

The security guard raised his eyebrows and slowly shook his head. "Uh...no?"

The three girls got up close to his face. "Do you listen to music?" Lu asked sassily.

"Do you watch T.V?"

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now