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"Julieta, what can you tell me about Pablo?"

Julieta shook her head and shrugged. "Not much to be honest. He was three years older than me so we never had the same classes, but I would see him around school. I know he gave Marina HIV."

"What did you think of their relationship?"

"It wasn't any of my business so I never paid much attention to it."

"Unlike your friend Guzmán?" The detective questioned but Julieta knew that it was more of a statement. "Guzmán was very invested in their relationship, wouldn't you agree?"

Julieta shrugged once more. "Marina was his sister so of course he'd be concerned."

"And did his concern ever involve violence?"

Julieta raised her perfectly plucked brows at the detective. "I'm not sure what you're implying, detective."

"I mean, did he ever get violent with Pablo?"

The brunette was quiet for a moment. She remembered how enraged Guzmán had been when he found out Pablo had given Marina HIV. She also remembered how Guzmán, Ander and Polo cornered the boy and the oldest Nunier almost killed him with his bare hands.

"Once." Julieta finally answered. "But he barely touched him."



Julieta huffed as she looked for Marina in the crowded hallway. The girl had ran around the school at least three times before her coach literally had to drag her to soccer practice. Julieta wasn't naïve. She knew the Nunier girl was avoiding her and quite frankly, she was doing a damn good job at it. Julieta just hoped that Marina would forget about it and not tell anyone.

"Who are you looking for?" The girl suddenly heard from beside her. She smiled when she noticed it was Polo.

"You actually." Julieta smiled, not telling the truth for obvious reasons. Polo raised his eyebrows at that. The teens were very close friends but it seemed this year they hadn't had much opportunity to talk much. "A little gossip bird-y told me all about your new found hobbies with a certain blonde and Mr. peke007. I must admit I didn't think you had it in you, Polo."

"Well you wouldn't be the only one." The boy grinned as the two sat down in the seating area. "I mean, at first I was kind of skeptical about it all. Like, it's weird!" Polo exclaimed with wide eyes before he and Julieta burst out laughing. "I mean who does that, y'a know?"

Julieta giggled. "Well are you at least happy?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I am." Polo's eyes lit up. "I guess to some it isn't an ideal relationship, maybe even impractical and is bound to end badly. But I'm happy, for the first time in a while, I'm really happy Lia."

The brunette beamed at her best friend's expression. She couldn't help but think of Ander and relate to what Polo was saying. Yes, what she had with Ander wasn't practical and was bound to blow up in their faces. But she too was euphoric. She had never been this happy before in her life and never wanted it to go away.

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now