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That Wednesday morning, Julieta was chatting to three of her classmates when she felt a presence behind her.

"Are you insane?"

She bid a quick goodbye to the girls before turning to Guzmán with raised eyebrows. She grinned cheekily. "Hello to you too."

"Are you insane?"

"Is this a trick question?" Guzmán rolled his eyes. He grabbed her arm and pulled her outside the large automatic doors and to the empty courtyard.

The boy practically threw his bag onto a nearby bench and glared at the small girl. "Why didn't you tell me about you and Ander?" Julieta's grin immediately fell and she went silent. Guzmán scoffed. "What? Are you trying to come up with another lie? Or have you ran out of ideas?"

The brunette looked around before crossing her arms. "How did you find out?"

"I saw you guys at the party in the wine cellar. Next time you plan on having sex, you might wanna consider a more private place." When he realized Julieta wasn't going to answer, the boy quickly continued. "Why would you keep this secret from me? Aren't I your friend?"

Julieta scoffed. "Not a secret, Guzmán. It's just none of your business."

"Of course it's my business!"

"No Guzmán!" Julieta yelled. "It's not! Not everything is about you! I'm not your sister and you can't just meddle with my love life! Nor anyone else's for that matter. You're not some therapist who people need to come to with their problems. You can't fix everything, Guzmán!"

"Well you're as good as, Julieta. I've known you since we were kids. Of course you're like a sister to me. I'm always here to look out for you when you're in trouble or have done something stupid. This is one of those times."

"I didn't ask for you 'help', okay." Julieta glared. "Especially when all it consists of is just calling me an idiot."

"You are an idiot!" The Nunier boy roared. "Julieta you're engaged. You know what that means right? You're getting married!"

The brunette rolled her eyes. "How could I forget when that's all I hear 24/7. It's always wedding this, wedding that, plan this, buy that- Guzmán I've had it!" Julieta finally snapped. Tears of anger welling up in her eyes. All the emotions she's been holding in for so long finally coming to the surface.

"I-I feel like I'm drowning, Guz. All my family is talking about is this damn wedding that I don't even want! I'm sixteen, I don't want to get fucking married! I want to party with my friends. I want to have a boyfriend who I can go on dates with and who I can be with without having to hide! But no one cares about what I want! All they care about is merging businesses to get fucking richer. What do I get? Huh? I get a life full of fucking misery where I'll probably end up snorting whatever powder I can get my hands on so I don't go out of my freaking mind! I c-can't do it anymore, Guzmán." The girl burst out sobbing. "I can't!"

"Hey, hey, shh." The boy quickly wrapped his arms around her. Julieta gripped his school blazer tightly, not being able to hold herself up anymore. "It's okay. I've got you. It's okay."

The two rocked back and forth for a while, not caring that they were missing second period. Guzmán ran a hand through her hair with one hand and rubbed her back with the other.

"Guzmán?" Julieta gently spoke up after a while.


"I, uh...I thought of a p-plan. For after I get married. And I...I'm really scared that I'm gonna go through with it one day." She sniffled.

Guzmán pulled back slightly, feeling dread wash over him. "What's the plan?" Julieta's lip trembled and she had to stop herself from breaking down again. "Julieta, what's the plan?"

"I know I'm not going to be happy." She whispered while shaking her head. "Emilio's a good guy but he's not who I want. And...I don't know if I'll be able to live like that. I don't think I'm strong enough to spend the rest of my life pretending. And I don't want to turn to drugs."

"Lia." Guzman firmly grabbed her shoulders. "What's the plan?"

Julieta whimpered. "...To kill myself."

Even though the teen was expecting that answer, he still felt his heart drop to his stomach. Hearing the girl he thought of like a little sister, the girl he loves with all his heart actually admitting to something like that out loud. It made him want to scream.

But he didn't.

What he did do, however, was pull her into another hug and hold her as tightly as he could. Never letting the broken girl see his own tears. He knew that he needed to be strong for her. And he'd be damned if he ever let her think like that again. If she was drowning then he would be the lifeguard to help her out of the water.

"Does Ander know you have these thoughts?"

Julieta immediately shook her head. "And you can't tell him. He'd be outraged and end up doing something stupid. You can't tell him."

"You do realize how risky what you two are doing is, right?"

The brunette shrugged. "He makes me happy, Guzmán. I can't help but feel amazing when he's with me."

"Jesus." Guzmán chuckled and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "You kids are gonna kill me one day."

The two pulled away not long after that when they noticed some people walking out of school for break. Julieta wiped away her tears and straightened her blazer. "The next time I'm opening up to someone is my autopsy."


Hello beautiful readers.

I know this chapter may be hard for some of you to read. I just really wanted to bring this issue to light since so many people, whether it be adults, teenagers or even children, may have suicidal thoughts at least once in their lifetime.

If any of you reading this are going through something, from the bottom of my heart I love you so much and I really mean it. You are NOT alone. You guys chose this book to read and now whether you like it or not, you are my friends and I am here for you and I'm always here to talk if you are going through a hard time. Even if it's super small, like a bad day. I am genuinely here for you and so is your family and friends.

I also want this comment section to become a community. If you guys see people going through a hard time in the comments, please talk to them. Try to help each other. Because sometimes a friend is all people need to feel better. Even if it's through the phone.

Talk to someone. Talk to your family. I know it's hard sometimes and you feel like they won't understand you. But please try. And if you can't, try talking to your friends. Or even a teacher or a professional who can give you the support you need. And again, I'm always here.

I love you guys.

Stay healthy and safe!

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now