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"Miss Suárez, did Marina ever tell you her secret?" 

"That she was HIV positive? Yeah. Well no, not really. It was Guzmán who told me. He was going through a hard time coping so he told Ander and me."  

"That's actually not the secret I was talking about." When Julieta furrowed her eyebrows, the detective continued. "Did you know that Marina was pregnant?"

Julieta's eyes went wide for a moment before slowly nodding after processing the information. "I guess that doesn't really surprise me much."

The blonde squinted her eyes at the teen and tilted her head slightly to the side. "How come?" 

Julieta shrugged and played with her rings. "Marina was reckless. She wanted to be different from the crowd. Almost as if she enjoyed being the black sheep. Marina would always go against the rules, whether it be her parents rules, schools rules or the law. She didn't give two fucks. That's why her being pregnant at sixteen doesn't surprise me, detective." 



"Social networks are the way we have of introducing ourselves to others, right? What we show, or what we hide says a lot about who we are." Julieta made eye contact with Carla-- who was sitting at the opposite table-- and fake yawned, making the blonde giggle. "And this is what the pair work I want you to do is about. I want you to create your partner's profile for a social network."

Samuel Gracía furrowed his eyebrows. "But wasn't this a language and literature class?"

"Welcome to Las Encinas, man." Christian answered the boy with a cheeky grin on his face. 

"We can learn a lot from this project." Martín continued. "Please, make the most of this opportunity to investigate, to research your partner. And most of all, adapt it to your goal-- what is it Christian?"

"I just have a question. What can I improve in my profile? Nothing!" The scholarship student exclaimed, arms flinging about. "It's perfect!"

Lu turned in her seat to face the boy. She smiled mockingly at him as she spoke. "When Martín said privilege and intelligence, he didn't mean you."

"Ouch." Julieta gasped loudly in amusement while Lu and Guzmán fist bumped. The brunette winked cheekily at Christian when he looked at her with a dramatically hurt expression. 

The bell rings not long after and the students quickly begin standing up and packing their belongings away. "Hey, hey, hey!" Martín quickly stopped everyone in their place. "Nobody leaves without a partner. Choose one and come by my desk." 

Julieta turned to Ander who was already looking at her with a smile on his face. However before either could protest, Lu came up to them and grabbed the brunette's arm. "Come on, you're gonna be my partner."

"I'm already partnered with Ander." 

Just then, the bubbly scholarship student skipped over to them and patted Ander on the back. "So Ander, buddy, want to be my partner? You won't have to do much work, I'm telling you. My profile rules!" Christian turned to Julieta and grinned. "Sorry princesa but I'm stealing him for this one." 

Little Miss Rich Bitch // {Ander Muñoz} ✓Where stories live. Discover now